EPA Ireland Archive of PM10 Monitoring Data
Download Agreement Page
Louth_Dundalk_PM10_TR_2002.txt can be downloaded for further use in scientific applications under the condition that the source is properly quoted in published papers, journals, websites, presentations, books, etc. Before downloading, users must agree to the following "Conditions of Download and Access" from SAFER-Data.
Conditions of Download and Access
- Data Download Disclaimer. Downloading datasets, data, or information resources from SAFER-Data indicates an acceptance of the Data Download Disclaimer.
- Citation and Acknowledgement of the original authors of the resource. In the event of the download datasets, data, or information resources being used in a journal article or other means of publication the original authors should be informed of this usage and an appropriate acknowledgement or citation is included within the published article. The EPA advise that this acknowledgement should take one of the following forms dependent upon how heavily the published work relates to the downloaded data:
- Co-Authorship(s) for the original author(s)
- Written acknowledgement within the body of the article
- Written acknowledgement by means of the inclusion of a bibliography entry which clearly cites the original authors
- Citation and acknowledgement of the Environmental Protection Agency for its role in providing access to the data
If the datasets, data, or information resources are used as specified above the Environmental Protection Agency and SAFER-Data should be acknowledged for the provision of Internet-based access to these resources.