Spatial Allocation of Material Flow Analysis: A Geographic Information System Application of Material Flow Analysis in Ireland

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This study concerns the spatial allocation of material flows, with emphasis on construction material in the Irish housing sector. It addresses some of the key issues concerning anthropogenic impact on the environment through spatial temporal visualisation of the flow of materials, wastes and emissions at different spatial levels. This is presented in the form of a spatial model, Spatial Allocation of Material Flow Analysis (SAMFA), which enables the simulation of construction material flows and associated energy use. SAMFA parallels the Island Limits project (EPA funded under 2004-SD-MS-22-M2), which aimed to create a material flow analysis of the Irish economy classified by industrial sector. SAMFA further develops this by attempting to establish the material flows at the subnational geographical scale that could be used in the development of local authority (LA) sustainability strategies and spatial planning frameworks by highlighting the cumulative environmental impacts of the development of the built environment. By drawing on the idea of planning support systems, SAMFA also aims to provide a cross-disciplinary, integrative medium for involving stakeholders in strategies for a sustainable built environment and, as such, would help illustrate the sustainability consequences of alternative The pilot run of the model in Kildare has shown that the model can be successfully calibrated and applied to develop alternative material flows and energy-use scenarios at the ED level. This has been demonstrated through the development of an integrated and a business-as-usual scenario, with the former integrating a range of potential material efficiency and energysaving policy options and the latter replicating conditions that best describe the current trend. Their comparison shows that the former is better than the latter in terms of both material and energy use. This report also identifies a number of potential areas of future research and areas of broader application. This includes improving the accuracy of the SAMFA model (e.g. by establishing actual life expectancy of buildings in the Irish context through field surveys) and the extension of the model to other Irish counties. This would establish SAMFA as a valuable predicting and monitoring tool that is capable of integrating national and local spatial planning objectives with actual environmental impacts. Furthermore, should the model prove successful at this level, it then has the potential to transfer the modelling approach to other areas of the built environment, such as commercial development and other key contributors of greenhouse emissions. The ultimate aim is to develop a meta-model for predicting the consequences of consumption patterns at the local scale. This therefore offers the possibility of creating critical links between socio technical systems with the most important challenge of all the limitations of the biophysical environment.

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Contact Information for This Resource

Dr Manoj Roy
Queen's University Belfast

Dr Geraint Ellis
Queen's University Belfast

Dr Robin Curry
SRI Research

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Author(s)Roy, M. Ellis, G. Curry, R.
Title Of WebsiteSecure Archive For Environmental Research Data
Publication InformationSpatial Allocation of Material Flow Analysis: A Geographic Information System Application of Material Flow Analysis in Ireland
Name of OrganisationEnvironmental Protection Agency Ireland
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Unique Identifierf1fbf84f-5d72-102e-a0a4-f81fb11d7d1c
Date of AccessLast Updated on SAFER: 2025-01-20

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Roy, M. Ellis, G. Curry, R.   "Spatial Allocation of Material Flow Analysis: A Geographic Information System Application of Material Flow Analysis in Ireland". Associated datasets and digitial information objects connected to this resource are available at: Secure Archive For Environmental Research Data (SAFER) managed by Environmental Protection Agency Ireland (Last Accessed: 2025-01-20)


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SAFER-Data Display URL
Resource KeywordsGIS Material Flow Analysis Kildare Modelling Ireland
EPA/ERTDI/STRIVE Project Code2005-FS-34-M1
EPA/ERTDI/STRIVE Project ThemeWaste and Resource Management
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Project Start Date Saturday 1st January 2005 (01-01-2005)
Earliest Recorded Date within any attached datasets or digital objects Saturday 1st January 2005 (01-01-2005)
Most Recent Recorded Date within any attached datasets or digital objects Thursday 31st December 2009 (31-12-2009)
Published on SAFERMonday 20th December 2010 (20-12-2010)
Date of Last EditMonday 20th December 2010 at 10:31:15 (20-12-2010)
Datasets or Files Updated On Monday 20th December 2010 at 10:26:37 (20-12-2010)

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Geographical and Spatial Information Related To This Resource

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County Council formally agreed to take part in the Kildare lies to the immediate west and south-west of Dublin . It is part of the Greater Dublin Regional Authority, which is part of the Eastern Regional Assembly (Ellis and Kim, 2001), and has a total population of 186,000 people, in an area of 1,692 km² (a density of 109 persons/km²). There are 89 EDs in Kildare County Council . Due to the proximity of Dublin, some parts of the county have experienced rapid urbanisation in recent times (e.g. ED Naas Urban, which has a population density of over 3,100 persons/ km2,), although other areas of the county are still characterised by traditional rural housing patterns. It is also noticeable that the housing availability levels in general are greater in rural than in urban areas. In terms of regional policy, the county is regarded as part of the Dublin and the Mid-East Regions in the NSS 2002-2020. These regions are considered jointly due to their strong functional relationship In many respects, therefore, Kildare represents many features of the current Irish built environment, is subject to some of the critical development processes experienced across the country, and, as such, provides a valuable laboratory for the testing of the SAMFA model.

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The overall aim of this study was to develop a tool that is capable of modelling material flows at a spatial level and which is applicable as a tool for spatial planning initially in the specific context of the Republic of Ireland, which has a particularly poor record in terms of meeting its Kyoto target of reducing CO2 emissions. Indeed, by 1999 it had overshot its agreed target for 2008-2012 by 16.3%, with only Spain performing worse within the EU (Míguez et al., 2006). In order to tackle this situation, a series of initiatives was undertaken by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under its Environmental Research, Technological Development and Innovation (ERTDI) programme between 2001 and 2006. The ERTDI programme was superseded by the Science, Research and Innovation for the Environment (STRIVE) programme in 2007. A key objective of these programmes was to foster technological innovations, leading to effective policy making on environmental This study relates to the waste, resource management and chemicals scheme, although it underpins several other schemes, notably climate change and socio economic. It follows on and complements another EPA-funded project, Island Limits (2004-SD-MS-22- M2), the first MFA and EF study in Ireland (Maguire and Curry, 2008). In this study, the housing sector construction material component was spatially and dynamically allocated at various spatial levels - from the Electoral Division (ED)3 level to the county and finally the national level. Relevance to the existing spatial planning system was a key consideration here, as this enables the environmental accounting systems to be incorporated within the Irish spatial planning regime, which combines the National Spatial Strategy (NSS) and the National Development Plan (NDP) (e.g. DoEHLG, 2007) and the County Development Plan 2005-2011 (e.g. Kildare County Council, 2005).
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