Robust Adaptation to Climate Change in the Water Sector in Ireland
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Resource or Project Abstract
This report develops a framework for supporting adaptation to climate change and a tool for assessing adaptation options. The framework established is built on the identification of vulnerability for individual surface water abstraction points. Vulnerability is highlighted where climate change is likely to alter the availability of water to meet demands at that point. In such situations, an adaptation tool is developed to identify and appraise adaptation options that are robust to uncertainty in future climate. The tool developed is intended as an exploratory tool to identify where and when adaptation will be necessary and to identify if certain strategies are likely to be successful under the range of likely future conditions. It is flexible in that it can be applied to individual existing or new abstraction points or to entire catchments, can be readily updated when revised climate change information becomes available and allows the Adaptation strategies should be evaluated according to the best available knowledge on climate change on a regular basis and be reconsidered if necessary. This adaptation approach ensures flexibility and the ability to respond to changes as revised climate scenarios emerge. This also reduces the risk of maladaptive action which would significantly constrain future possibilities. The application of a process-oriented vulnerability thinking instead of an impacts thinking approach in adaptation planning is therefore promoted here.
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Contact Information for This Resource
Ms. Julia Hall |
National University of Ireland Maynooth |
Dr. Conor Murphy |
National University of Ireland Maynooth |
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Offline Print Quality Version CCRP_16_Hall_Climate_prn.pdf (4.17 Mb) |
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Author(s) | Hall, J. Murphy, C. |
Title Of Website | Secure Archive For Environmental Research Data |
Publication Information | Robust Adaptation to Climate Change in the Water Sector in Ireland |
Name of Organisation | Environmental Protection Agency Ireland |
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Unique Identifier | a8f2365c-d0c7-11e1-a6bc-005056ae0019 |
Date of Access | Last Updated on SAFER: 2025-02-10 |
An example of this citation in proper usage:
Hall, J. Murphy, C. "Robust Adaptation to Climate Change in the Water Sector in Ireland". Associated datasets and digitial information objects connected to this resource are available at: Secure Archive For Environmental Research Data (SAFER) managed by Environmental Protection Agency Ireland (Last Accessed: 2025-02-10)
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Access Information For This Resource
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Resource Keywords | Climate Change, Water, Boyne River, adaption framework, decision support tool |
EPA/ERTDI/STRIVE Project Code | 2010-CCRP-DS-2.2 |
EPA/ERTDI/STRIVE Project Theme | Climate Change |
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![]() Public-Open |
Limitations on the use of this Resource | Any attached datasets, data files, or information objects can be downloaded for further use in scientific applications under the condition that the source is properly quoted and cited in published papers, journals, websites, presentations, books, etc. Before downloading, users must agree to the "Conditions of Download and Access" from SAFER-Data. These appear before download. Users of the data should also communicate with the original authors/owners of this resource if they are uncertain about any aspect of the data or information provided before further usage. |
Number of Attached Files (Publicly and Openly Available for Download): | 2 |
Project Start Date | Friday 1st January 2010 (01-01-2010) |
Earliest Recorded Date within any attached datasets or digital objects | Friday 1st January 2010 (01-01-2010) |
Most Recent Recorded Date within any attached datasets or digital objects | Sunday 1st July 2012 (01-07-2012) |
Published on SAFER | Wednesday 18th July 2012 (18-07-2012) |
Date of Last Edit | Thursday 19th July 2012 at 09:53:58 (19-07-2012) |
Datasets or Files Updated On | Thursday 19th July 2012 at 09:53:58 (19-07-2012) |
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Geographical and Spatial Information Related To This Resource
Description of Geographical Characteristics of This Project or Dataset
A detailed case study application is provided for individual water abstraction points within the Boyne The Boyne River catchment is located in the Eastern River Basin District and extends over an area of ~2,692 km2. The catchment has an average elevation of 89 m and ranges from 0 to ~338 m in the northern part of the catchment. The slopes in the catchment range from 0% to 38% and on average they are gentle with a mean slope of 1.6%. Flats and undulating lowlands are the prevailing physiographic feature, with Grey Brown Podzolics being the principal soil class (30.6%), followed by Gleys (24.5%.) and Minimal Grey Brown Podzolics (20.5%). The parent material of the dominating soils is Limestone Glacial Till (24%), Limestone Shale Glacial Till (21.6%) and Alluvium (12%), resulting in locally important aquifers underlying ~68.6% of the catchment. The main landuse types within the catchment are pastures (~79.4%) and arable land (~8%), as well as peat bogs (~4.2%) mainly located in the southern parts of the catchment.
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Supplementary Information About This Resource
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An objective of developing a national adaptation strategy for Ireland was expressed in the National Climate Change Strategy 2007-2012. This would provide a vehicle for integrating issues of climate change into national and local governance. This has as constitutes a contribution to the development of such a strategy. This report focuses on planned, anticipatory adaptation in the Irish public water resource sector. yet not been achieved and the present study. The future impacts of a changing climate on Irish catchment hydrology have been investigated in several studies. All of the assessment studies identify some strong climate signals, including an increase in river flows during winter and spring, along with reductions in summer and autumn, with simulated changes becoming more pronounced as the century progresses (Cunnane and Regan, 1994; Charlton and Moore, 2003; Murphy and Charlton, 2008; Steele- Dunne et al., 2008; Bastola et al., 2011a,b). While agreement is evident, there remain large uncertainties surrounding the actual magnitude of change (see in particular Bastola et al. (2011b) and Murphy et al. (2011)) and if we are to avoid expensive over- or under-adaptation we need to incorporate this This work builds on these previous studies and shifts the focus towards examining the implications of such changes in catchment hydrology and on how we might effectively adapt water resources management in an uncertain future. |
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