Analyses of the development and occurrence of biological and chemical aerosols. (BioCheA)
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Resource or Project Abstract
This research project report presents a description of field and laboratory studies related to the application of a new approach for monitoring bioaerosols in Ireland. The core of the scientific programme exploits a recently developed spectroscopic technique designed to detect, characterise and quantify biological particulate matter in real-time. The data acquired are compared to results obtained from traditional off-line techniques. Coincident measurements of PM10 and NOx for the Cork Harbour region are also made and reported.
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Contact Information for This Resource
Dr. David Healy |
University College Cork |
Prof. John Sodeau |
University College Cork |
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Att: 1 CCRP_18_Final_report_Biochea_report.pdf (4.94 Mb) |
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Author(s) | Healy, D. Sodeau, J. |
Title Of Website | Secure Archive For Environmental Research Data |
Publication Information | Analyses of the development and occurrence of biological and chemical aerosols. (BioCheA) |
Name of Organisation | Environmental Protection Agency Ireland |
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Unique Identifier | c5efd96e-e353-11e2-8c2d-005056ae0019 |
Date of Access | Last Updated on SAFER: 2025-02-10 |
An example of this citation in proper usage:
Healy, D. Sodeau, J. "Analyses of the development and occurrence of biological and chemical aerosols. (BioCheA)". Associated datasets and digitial information objects connected to this resource are available at: Secure Archive For Environmental Research Data (SAFER) managed by Environmental Protection Agency Ireland (Last Accessed: 2025-02-10)
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Access Information For This Resource
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Resource Keywords | BioCheA,Waveband Integrated Bioaerosol Sensor, WIBS-4, Primary Biological Aerosol Particulates (PBAPs), ambient,, munster |
EPA/ERTDI/STRIVE Project Code | 07-CCRP-4.4.6b |
EPA/ERTDI/STRIVE Project Theme | Climate Change |
Resource Availability: |
![]() Public-Open |
Limitations on the use of this Resource | Any attached datasets, data files, or information objects can be downloaded for further use in scientific applications under the condition that the source is properly quoted and cited in published papers, journals, websites, presentations, books, etc. Before downloading, users must agree to the "Conditions of Download and Access" from SAFER-Data. These appear before download. Users of the data should also communicate with the original authors/owners of this resource if they are uncertain about any aspect of the data or information provided before further usage. |
Number of Attached Files (Publicly and Openly Available for Download): | 3 |
Project Start Date | Friday 1st August 2008 (01-08-2008) |
Earliest Recorded Date within any attached datasets or digital objects | Friday 1st August 2008 (01-08-2008) |
Most Recent Recorded Date within any attached datasets or digital objects | Monday 1st August 2011 (01-08-2011) |
Published on SAFER | Tuesday 2nd July 2013 (02-07-2013) |
Date of Last Edit | Tuesday 2nd July 2013 at 22:12:09 (02-07-2013) |
Datasets or Files Updated On | Tuesday 2nd July 2013 at 21:23:02 (02-07-2013) |
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Geographical and Spatial Information Related To This Resource
Description of Geographical Characteristics of This Project or Dataset
SITE 1: Sampling was performed in Killarney National Park, Kerry, Ireland (N 52°01.263? W 09°30.553?; 33 m), towards the eastern perimeter of Reenadinna Woods (Figure 2.1) during two separate campaigns: 23/02/10 10/03/10 and 02/08/2010 - 02/09/2010. The Reenadinna Woods area is the largest location for Yew Wood in Ireland covering approximately 60 acres (25 hectares).The canopy in this stand is typically strongly dominated by Taxus baccata (Yew) with Corylus avellana (common Hazel), IIex aquifolium (European Holly) and Fraxinus excelsior (Ash). The floor of this wood is generally covered by an extensive bryophyte carpet and is species-poor in terms of vascular plants. This site was chosen due to its almost pristine air conditions. SITE 2 The industrialized sampling site used during the project was at Tivoli Industrial Estate located in the Port of Cork (51°5405 N, 8°24038 W), approximately 3 km east of Cork city centre and adjacent to a container terminal, liquid bulk storage facility and gas jetty, Figure 2.2. A berth for liquid bulk ships is located approximately 150 m to the southwest and berths for container ships are located 400?600 m to the west-southwest, Figure 2.3. The prevailing winds are south-westerly. The city is home to approximately 123,000 people, located on the South West coast of Ireland and is the second largest city in the Republic of Ireland with an area of 3,731 hectares. The site is also located near a main road (N25) SITE 3: The Raffeen Hill sampling site was situated in a rural area of Cork and was set up as part of an informal collaboration between University College Cork and Trinity College Dublin. The site serves well as a ?background harbour site? and offered a safe location at which to sample the ambient biological content of the harbour region of Cork while also being relatively clean of anthropogenic pollution. The SporeWatch instrument was situated in Raffeen Hill from 01/02/2010 ? 31/07/2010; the deployment represents the first continuous pollen and spore-monitor station in the Cork region.
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Supplementary Information About This Resource
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Lineage information about this project or dataset |
The study presented in this report, project BioCheA, is the first of its kind in Ireland to provide PBAP measurements of airborne pollen and spores distributed in contrasting environments using both traditional off-line techniques and novel real-time instrumentation (on-line). It represents a new approach to the detection of bioaerosols in Ireland. The primary aim of BioCheA was to evaluate the potential of the online auto-fluorescence instrument, WIBS-4, for gathering reliable real-time data on ambient PBAPs in Ireland so that our predictive models for epidemiology and climate change can be improved. |
Supplementary Information |
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