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Attach Number Attachment Name Attachment Size Attachment Availability Download Details
1 9.03MB PUBLIC Download From SAFER
2 11.97MB PUBLIC Download From SAFER
3 6.16MB PUBLIC Download From SAFER
4 Catchment_Delineation_Inventory_of_GIS_layers_by_county_Apr.xlsx 0.07MB PUBLIC Download From SAFER
5 Chapter_3_High_status_river_sites_2007-2009_list.docx 0.07MB PUBLIC Download From SAFER
6 High_Status_River_Sites_2007-2009.xls 0.11MB PUBLIC Download From SAFER
7 HS_River_sites_07-09_CB_060711.dbf 0.11MB PUBLIC Download From SAFER
8 0.02MB PUBLIC Download From SAFER
9 0.84MB PUBLIC Download From SAFER
10 MSPHSWBs_Inventory_of_GIS_layers_April_2012.xlsx 0.01MB PUBLIC Download From SAFER
11 0.77MB PUBLIC Download From SAFER
12 1.49MB PUBLIC Download From SAFER
13 Tier_4_River_sites_no_recent_surveys.xlsx 0.02MB PUBLIC Download From SAFER
14 0.01MB PUBLIC Download From SAFER
15 TraC_monitored_HS_WBs_2007-2009.xlsx 0.01MB PUBLIC Download From SAFER
16 2010-W-DS-3_Literature_Review_FINAL_28.09.11.docx 0.45MB PUBLIC Download From SAFER
17 2010-W-DS-3_Literature_Review_FINAL_28.09.11.pdf 0.71MB PUBLIC Download From SAFER
18 STRIVE_99_NiChathain_HighStatus_prn.pdf 25.00MB PUBLIC Download From SAFER
19 STRIVE_99_NiChathain_HighStatus_web.pdf.pdf 2.13MB PUBLIC Download From SAFER