Assessment of the impacts of forest operations on the ecological quality of water (HYDROFOR) - Dataset Information
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Resource or Project Abstract
HYDROFOR is an EPA and DAFM-supported multi-sector co-operative project to investigate the impacts of forestry operations on Ireland's aquatic ecology. In addition to further investigating the nature and effects of these impacts, the study partners are assessing the effectiveness of certain measures such as riparian buffer strips to mitigate these impacts. Impacts under study include acidification, eutrophication, sedimentation and hydromorphological change. Among the things that make HYDROFOR unique is that its study partners are not relying solely on data generated in their own extensive field sampling and experimentation. Rather, they are blending their own newly generated data with those of others' previous and complimentary studies, and they are updating and supplementing these older datasets wherever possible. Several modern innovations in mapping, sampling, modelling, etc. are thus being applied to not only new findings but also many of the older datasets - the knowledge base upon which the HYDROFOR study is built. Study partners include University College Dublin, University College Cork, National University of Ireland - Galway and Ireland?s Marine Institute, and researchers? professions span the natural, engineering and social sciences.
This is the HYDROFOR data access resource on SAFER.
Metadata for each of the worksheets in this spreadsheet and a tutorial on how to extract subdatasets from the Integrated Interactions Data worksheet are in a corresponding MS Word document named 'HYDROFOR Database Notes'. Coordinates for sample sites are not included in the dataset because a companion directory of GIS shape files is available with the spreadsheet-based database (HYDROFOR_GIS_Files). In the main component of the database, the Integrated Interactions Data worksheet, data from two independent projects (HYDROFOR and FORWAT) are organised by columns of common parameters.
Please further note The datasets attached to this metadata resource will remain private until December 2015. You will need to contact the project authors (details supplied) for permission to access them before this date.
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Contact Information for This Resource
HydroFor Project |
University College Dublin |
Dr. Mary Kelly-Quinn |
University College Dublin |
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Data, Files, Information Objects Related To This Project Resource
This resource has SEMI-PUBLIC availability. This means that the metadata for the resource is available to the public but the data files and information objects connected to the resource are not. There are currently 5 data files and/or information objects connected to this resource. You will need to contact the owners of this resourceto seek their consent to access the files. Contact information for the owners of this resource can be found in the Responsible Parties information section of the metadata.
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Access Information For This Resource
SAFER-Data Display URL | |
Resource Keywords | forestry, water quality, forest and water interactions, stream sedimentation, stream eutrophication, stream acidification |
EPA/ERTDI/STRIVE Project Code | 2007-WQ-CD-2-S1 |
EPA/ERTDI/STRIVE Project Theme | Water Quality |
Resource Availability: |
Semi-Private |
Limitations on the use of this Resource | Any attached datasets, data files, or information objects can be downloaded for further use in scientific applications under the condition that the source is properly quoted and cited in published papers, journals, websites, presentations, books, etc. Before downloading, users must agree to the "Conditions of Download and Access" from SAFER-Data. These appear before download. Users of the data should also communicate with the original authors/owners of this resource if they are uncertain about any aspect of the data or information provided before further usage. Please further note The datasets attached to this metadata resource will remain private until December 2015. You will need to contact the project authors (details supplied) for permission to access them before this date. |
Number of Attached Files (Publicly and Openly Available for Download): | 2 |
Project Start Date | Monday 1st September 2008 (01-09-2008) |
Earliest Recorded Date within any attached datasets or digital objects | Monday 1st September 2008 (01-09-2008) |
Most Recent Recorded Date within any attached datasets or digital objects | Monday 1st December 2014 (01-12-2014) |
Published on SAFER | Monday 2nd March 2015 (02-03-2015) |
Date of Last Edit | Friday 22nd July 2016 at 16:42:57 (22-07-2016) |
Datasets or Files Updated On | Friday 22nd July 2016 at 16:42:57 (22-07-2016) |
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Geographical and Spatial Information Related To This Resource
Description of Geographical Characteristics of This Project or Dataset
The database is national (Ireland) in scope and includes multiple rivers, lakes, hydrometric areas, counties, and terrains throughout Ireland.
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Supplementary Information About This Resource
In this section some supplementary information about this resource is outlined. Lineage information helps us to understand why this project was carried out, what policy or research requirements did it fulfil, etc. Lineage is important in understanding the rationale behind the carrying out of a project or the collection of a specific dataset etc. Links to web sites, applications, papers, etc are outlined to provide you with additional information or supplementary reading about the project or dataset
Lineage information about this project or dataset |
The project is in part a follow-on from the FORWAT study, which was conducted in large part to provide a further biological, hydrochemical and hydrological characterisation of forest and surface water interactions in Ireland pursuant to developing a forestry sector programme of water pollution mitigation measures. |
Supplementary Information |
Dataset Information Integrated Interactions Data Sample/Measurement Date: In yyyy/mm/dd format. 00 for dd means day of month unknown. Sample/Measurement Time: In military time. Sample/Measurement Site Name: Name given to site by original researchers. Sample/Measurement Site I.D.: Code assigned to site in HYDROFOR database. Sample/Measurement I.D.: Comprised of Site I.D., date and sample number. Sample/Measurement Target: Target for all data is surface water. Sample/Measurement Type: Includes automatic monitoring/sampling and grab sampling. Automatic monitoring/sampling was done with automatic samplers and in some cases automatic flow meters. Grab sampling done by either hand dipping bottles or by passive sampling with devices constructed to capture and store rising stream waters. Project/Dataset Name: Name of project or study in which core data (i.e., water quality data) originated. Projects include HYDROFOR and FORWAT. Work Package I.D.: Identification code for project work package in which core data were originated. Affecting Forestry Management Measure(s): Non-comprehensive list of pollution abatement measures employed at the site and time in which samples were taken. Measures noted are thought to be those not necessarily applied at all sites all times. Forestry Operation(s) Potentially Affecting Sample/Measurement: Forestry operations such as clearfelling and windrowing that are known to generate water pollution. Data is from researcher observation and communications with Coillte. Status of Forestry Operation(s) Potentially Affecting Sample/Measurement (before, ongoing, after): The status of the forestry operations such as clearfelling and windrowing that are known to generate water pollution. Status is either before (b), ongoing (o) or after (a). Data is from researcher observation and communications with Coillte. Surface Waterbody Type: River (i.e., natural first order stream or greater), drain (i.e., man-made conduit) or lake (of any size). Data interpreted by HYDROFOR researchers from EPA?s WFD GIS dataset. Surface Waterbody Name (rivers, lakes): Data interpreted by HYDROFOR researchers from EPA?s WFD GIS dataset. Surface Waterbody Order (rivers): Data interpreted by HYDROFOR researchers from EPA?s WFD GIS dataset. % Subcatchment in Forested Blocks (%): HYDROFOR-based project data were generated by digitising GIS polygons of forested blocks from current Google Earth satellite photos. Ireland?s 20 metre resolution Digital Terrain Model (DTM) was made available to HYDROFOR researchers from EPA. The model was used in conjunction with ArcView 10 to create subcatchment delineations created with the ArcHYDRO tool. These polygons were projected as WGS1984 kml files in Google Earth so that the subcatchment delineation would project onto the Google Earth maps. Forest cover was identified in Google Earth by its distinct dark colour in the photos, and blocks of forested areas were digitised as polygons and saved as kml files. Kml files of forest blocks were converted to shape files in ArcView and areas were calculated and summed across subcatchments. Per cent area in forested blocks was determined by dividing forested area within the subcatchment by total subcatchment area and multiplying by 100. FORWAT project data were taken from estimates in the Forest Service?s FIPS 07 database. Further details on how those data were calculated are unavailable. Subcatchment Mean Slope, Subcatchment Mean Slope of Forested Blocks, and Subcatchment Mean Slope of Non-Forested Blocks (degrees): Ireland?s 20 metre resolution Digital Terrain Model (DTM) was made available to HYDROFOR researchers from EPA. The model was used in conjunction with ArcView 10 to calculate the average slopes in degrees of each delineated subcatchment. Average slopes were also calculated for each delineated forested block polygon (see % Subcatchment in Forested Blocks (%)) and the average slope of all forested blocks in each subcatchment was calculated as follows: fbts = ((fb1a/fbta) x fb1s) + ((fb2a/fbta) x fb2s) + ...((fbna/fbta) x fbns) where; fbts = average slope of all forested blocks in subcatchment fb1a = area of forested block 1 fbta = total area of all forested blocks in subcatchment fb1s = average slope of forested block 1 fb2a = area of forested block 2 fb2s = average slope of forested block 2 fbna = area of forested block n fbns = average slope of forested block n The average slope of non-forested areas in each subcatchment was calculated as follows: nfbts = (fbts - pscfb(fbts)) / (1-pscfb) where; nfbts = average slope of all non-forested blocks in subcatchment fbts = average slope of all forested blocks in subcatchment pscfb = percent of subcatchment in forested blocks Surface Waterbody Primary Geology: The Teagasc national geology GIS dataset was made available by the EPA and used to determine the primary geology type underlying the surface waterbodies or streambeds. Surface Waterbody Primary Soil: The Teagasc national soils GIS dataset was made available by the EPA and used to determine the primary soil type underlying the surface waterbodies or streambeds. Subcatchment Primary Geology: The Teagasc national geology GIS dataset was made available by the EPA and used to determine the primary geology underlying the subcatchment draining to the sample location (i.e., pour point or discharge node). Subcatchment Primary Soil: The Teagasc national soils GIS dataset was made available by the EPA and used to determine the primary soil type underlying the subcatchment draining to the sample location (i.e., pour point or discharge node). Nearest Rainfall Station Name: Met Éireann data for rainfall stations throughout Ireland were obtained by the HYDROFOR project and names (in code form) for those stations are indicated. Data from the Coillte-operated weather station at the FutMon site (UCDFM) was analysed and recorded the same as the data from Met Éireann sites. Nearest Rainfall Station Type: Met Éireann data for the three types of weather stations throughout Ireland were obtained by the HYDROFOR project: rainfall station (R), climatological stations (R, T) and synoptic stations (R, T, W). Since all three types include rainfall data, the Met Éireann station nearest to the water quality sampling site and for which relevant data were available was identified and the type of that station indicated. Linear Distance between Surface Waterbody Sample Site and Nearest Rainfall Station (km): The Met Éireann station nearest to the water quality sampling site and for which relevant data were available was identified and the linear distance between the surface waterbody sample site and its associated rainfall station was recorded. Total Rainfall - Preceding 2 Days (mm): Rainfall data from the Met Éireann station nearest to the water quality sampling site for the two days prior to the date in which the sample was taken is indicated. For instance, if the sample was taken at 13:00 on 31st March, total rainfall accumulated during the period from 00:00 to 23:59 on 28th March and 00:00 to 23:59 on 30th March is recorded. Total Rainfall - Preceding 7 Days (mm): Rainfall data from the Met Éireann station nearest to the water quality sampling site for the seven days prior to the date in which the sample was taken is indicated. For instance, if the sample was taken at 13:00 on 31st March, total rainfall accumulated during the period from 00:00 on 24th March to 23:59 on 30th March is recorded. Total Rainfall - Preceding 30 Days (mm): Rainfall data from the Met Éireann station nearest to the water quality sampling site for the thirty days prior to the date in which the sample was taken is indicated. For instance, if the sample was taken at 13:00 on 31st March, total rainfall accumulated during the period from 00:00 on 1st March to 23:59 on 30th March is recorded. Nearest Temperature Station Name: Met Éireann temperature data from stations throughout Ireland were obtained by the HYDROFOR project and names (in code form) for those stations are indicated. Data from the Coillte-operated weather station at the FutMon site (UCDFM) was analysed and recorded the same as the data from Met Éireann sites. Nearest Temperature Station Type: Met Éireann data for the three types of weather stations throughout Ireland were obtained by the HYDROFOR project: rainfall station (R), climatological stations (R, T) and synoptic stations (R, T, W). Since all three types can include temperature data, the Met Éireann station nearest to the water quality sampling site and for which relevant data were available was identified and the type of that station indicated. Linear Distance between Surface Waterbody Sample Site and Nearest Temperature Station (km): The Met Éireann station nearest to the water quality sampling site and for which relevant data were available was identified and the linear distance between the surface waterbody sample site and its associated temperature station was recorded. Mean Temperature - Sample Day (°C): Temperature data from the Met Éireann station nearest to the water quality sampling site for the date in which the sample was taken was averaged and recorded. For instance, if the sample was taken at 13:00 on 31st March, the average temperature during the period from 00:00 to 23:59 on 31st March is recorded. High Temperature - Sample Day (°C): Temperature data from the Met Éireann station nearest to the water quality sampling site on the date in which the sample was taken were assessed and the highest temperature during the period from 00:00 to 23:59 on that date was recorded. Low Temperature - Sample Day (°C): Temperature data from the Met Éireann station nearest to the water quality sampling site on the date in which the sample was taken were assessed and the lowest temperature during the period from 00:00 to 23:59 on that date was recorded. Mean Temperature - Preceding 2 Days (°C): Temperature recordings from the Met Éireann station nearest to the water quality sampling site for the two days prior to the date in which the sample was taken were averaged and that two-day average is indicated. For instance, if the sample was taken at 13:00 on 31st March, the average temperature across the period from 00:00 on 28th March to 23:59 on 30th March is indicated. Mean Temperature - Preceding 7 Days (°C): Temperature recordings from the Met Éireann station nearest to the water quality sampling site for the seven days prior to the date in which the sample was taken were averaged and that seven-day average is indicated. For instance, if the sample was taken at 13:00 on 31st March, the average temperature across the period from 00:00 on 24th March to 23:59 on 30th March is indicated. Mean Temperature - Preceding 30 Days (°C): Temperature recordings from the Met Éireann station nearest to the water quality sampling site for the thirty days prior to the date in which the sample was taken were averaged and that thirty-day average is indicated. For instance, if the sample was taken at 13:00 on 31st March, the average temperature across the period from 00:00 on 1st March to 23:59 on 30th March is indicated. Nearest Wind Station Name: Met Éireann data for wind stations throughout Ireland were obtained by the HYDROFOR project and names for those stations (synoptic only) are indicated. Data from the Coillte-operated weather station at the FutMon site (UCDFM) was analysed and recorded the same as the data from Met Éireann sites. Nearest Wind Station Type: Met Éireann data for the three types of weather stations throughout Ireland were obtained by the HYDROFOR project: rainfall station (R), climatological stations (R, T) and synoptic stations (R, T, W). All Met Éireann wind data are from synoptic stations. Linear Distance between Surface Waterbody Sample Site and Nearest Wind Station (km): The Met Éireann station nearest to the water quality sampling site and for which relevant data were available was identified and the linear distance between the surface waterbody sample site and its associated wind station was recorded. Mean Wind Speed - Sample Day (knots): Wind speed data from the Met Éireann station nearest to the water quality sampling site for the date in which the sample was taken was averaged and recorded. For instance, if the sample was taken at 13:00 on 31st March, the average wind speed during the period from 00:00 to 23:59 on 31st March is recorded. Mean Wind Speed - Preceding 2 Days (knots): Wind speed recordings from the Met Éireann station nearest to the water quality sampling site for the two days prior to the date in which the sample was taken were averaged and that two-day average is indicated. For instance, if the sample was taken at 13:00 on 31st March, the average temperature across the period from 00:00 on 28th March to 23:59 on 30th March is indicated. Mean Wind Speed - Preceding 7 Days (knots): Wind speed recordings from the Met Éireann station nearest to the water quality sampling site for the seven days prior to the date in which the sample was taken were averaged and that seven-day average is indicated. For instance, if the sample was taken at 13:00 on 31st March, the average wind speed across the period from 00:00 on 24th March to 23:59 on 30th March is indicated. Mean Wind Speed - Preceding 30 Days (knots): Wind speed recordings from the Met Éireann station nearest to the water quality sampling site for the thirty days prior to the date in which the sample was taken were averaged and that thirty-day average is indicated. For instance, if the sample was taken at 13:00 on 31st March, the average temperature across the period from 00:00 on 1st March to 23:59 on 30th March is indicated. Prevailing Wind Direction - Sample Day: Wind direction data from the Met Éireann station nearest to the water quality sampling site for the date in which the sample was taken was assessed and the prevailing direction was recorded (i.e., the wind direction category appearing in the recordings most frequently). Met Éireann numerical wind direction readings in degrees from were categorised by the HYDROFOR researchers as follows: n 349-11 nne 12-33 ne 34-56 ene 57-78 e 79-101 ese 102-123 se 124-146 sse 147-168 s 169-191 ssw 192-213 sw 214-236 wsw 237-258 w 259-281 wnw 282-303 nw 304-326 nnw 327-348 Prevailing Wind Direction - Preceding 2 Days: Wind direction recordings from the Met Éireann station nearest to the water quality sampling site for the two days prior to the date in which the sample was taken were categorised (see Prevailing Wind Direction) and the distribution of wind directions recordings was graphed. The prevailing wind direction for this period was then judged based on the graphical representation. Prevailing Wind Direction - Preceding 7 Days: Wind direction recordings from the Met Éireann station nearest to the water quality sampling site for the seven days prior to the date in which the sample was taken were categorised (see Prevailing Wind Direction) and the distribution of wind direction recordings was graphed. The prevailing wind direction for this period was then judged based on the graphical representation. Prevailing Wind Direction - Preceding 30 Days: Wind direction recordings from the Met Éireann station nearest to the water quality sampling site for the thirty days prior to the date in which the sample was taken were categorised (see Prevailing Wind Direction) and the distribution of wind direction recordings was graphed. The prevailing wind direction for this period was then judged based on the graphical representation. Surface Water Flow (m³/s): Flow values were recorded by automatic flow meters at weirs installed by the HYDROFOR project team at rates of one reading per minute to readings of one reading per fifteen minutes. The flow rates that coincided with the time each sample was taken are indicated. Surface Water Flow Category (low, base, mid, flood): FORWAT project researchers determined flow/flood levels for FORWAT sites during each sampling visit via an unknown method, and those observations were put into four categories: low, base, mid and flood. Surface Water Temperature (°C): In situ temperatures were recorded for some samples and are indicated. Surface Water pH, Alkalinity (mg/l calcium carbonate equivalents), Total Hardness (mg/l calcium carbonate equivalents), Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (mg/l), Total Phosphorus (mg/l), Total Oxidised Nitrogen (mg/l), Ammonium-Nitrate (mg/l), Nitrate (mg/l), Nitrite (mg/l), Dissolved Organic Carbon (mg/l), Aluminium (µg/l), Total Monomeric Aluminium (µg/l, Inorganic Monomeric Aluminium (µg/l), Sodium (mg/l), Potassium (mg/l), Magnesium (mg/l), Calcium (mg/l), Chloride (mg/l), Sulphate (mg/l), Total Suspended Solids (mg/l), Silicate (mg/l), Conductivity (μs/cm), Turbidity (NTU), Colour (mg/Pt. Co.), Chlorophyll a (µg/l), Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l), Dissolved Oxygen (% saturation), Manganese (mg/l), Iron (mg/l), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (mg/l), Chemical Oxygen Demand (mg/l) and Total Nitrogen (mg/l): These water quality parameter results were generated by the Aquatic Services Centre at University College Dublin and at other laboratories in Ireland according to the temporally accurate version of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association, and the Water Environment Federation. Riparian Buffer Data ? NUIGJF Intended Concentration (mg/l), Concentration of Phosphorus as Phosphate (mg/l), Sample Weight (g), Equivalent Dry Weight (g), Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus (μg/l), Sorbed Phosphorus (mg), and Sorbed Phosphorus (mg/g): Values for these parameters are given for a series of sites sampled by Joanne Finnegan, PhD under the direction of Mark Healy, PhD at National University of Ireland ? Galway. Biological Data ? UCCTD, UCDCG These data are comprised of counts of invertebrates at various lakes sites in Ireland. The data were collected by Tom Drinan, PhD and Conor Graham, PhD under the direction of Simon Harrison, PhD at University College Cork. Integrated Invertebrates Data ? UCDHF, UCDTD Invertebrates count data generated from sampling various river and lake sites throughout Ireland comprise this dataset. Sampling and taxonomy work was done by Hugh Feeley, PhD under the direction of Mary Kelly-Quinn, PhD of University College Dublin and Tom Drinan, PhD under the direction of Simon Harrison, PhD of University College Cork. Clearfell Data - C This dataset was obtained by the HYDROFOR project from Coillte. It lists the area in hectares of Coillte conifer stands in each of the EPA-designated subcatchments in Ireland (EU_CD) put up for purchase and subsequent clearfelling (from Coillte sales proposal data) for each of the years 2007 through to 2013. Projected sales proposal data are similarly provided for each of the years 2014 through to 2050. |
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