The table below is a list of the metadata resources on SAFER-Data which have dataset files available for download by public users. This means you will not have to logon or authenticate yourself with SAFER-Data to download these files. For convenience a link to the full metadata resource listing is provided where you are provided with access to the dataset files.
Full Metadata Resource Title | Resource Owners |
Number of Publicly Available Datasets |
A Framework for the Assessment of Groundwater - Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems under the Water Framework Directive |
Dr. Garrett Kilroy et. al |
2 |
A Nationwide Review of Pay-By-Use (PBU) Domestic Waste Collection Charges in Ireland |
Dr. Abigail O'Callaghan-Platt et. al |
2 |
A new approach to bioaerosol monitoring in Ireland Analyses of the development and occurrence of biological and chemical aerosols. (BioCheA) |
Dr. David O'Connor
2 |
A Novel Biotechnological Approach To Phosphorus Removal From Wastewaters |
Dr. John McGrath et. al |
3 |
A preliminary estimate of total material flows in Ireland for the year 2000 |
Ms. Eileen O'Leary
et. al |
3 |
A Report on Managing Environmental Research Data at EPA |
Dr. Peter Mooney |
3 |
A Review of Groundwater Levels in the South-East of Ireland: Review of Groundwater Level Data in the South Eastern River Basin District |
Dr. Katie Tedd et. al |
11 |
A Systematic and Participatory Review of Research on the Impact of Agriculture on Water Quality |
Dr. Donnacha Doody
1 |
Acquisition of Essential Data for Assessments of Carbon Sequestration by Soils |
Prof. Michael Hayes |
3 |
Adaptive Responses to Climate impacts (ARC) |
Dr. Justin Doran
1 |
Advanced Aerosol Composition Measurements and Aerosol Radiative Properties |
Dr. Darius Ceburnis et. al |
2 |
Aerosol chemical inorganic species mass concentration |
Dr. Darius Ceburnis et. al |
4 |
Ag-Biota: Monitoring, Functional Significance and Management for the Maintenance and Economic Utilisation of Biodiversity in the Intensively Farmed Landscape |
Dr. Gordon Purvis et. al |
9 |
Air Pollution - Trace Radical Absorption through Cavity-Enhanced Spectroscopy (TRACES) |
Dr. Uwe Heitmann et. al |
2 |
Alien Invasive Species in Irish Water Bodies |
Dr Cathy Maguire et. al |
2 |
Ammonia monitoring in Ireland: A full year of ammonia monitoring; set-up and results |
Prof. E.P. Farrell |
2 |
An Assessment of Uncertainties in Climate Modelling at the Regional Scale: The Development of Probabilistic Based Climate Scenarios for Ireland |
Dr. Rowan Fealy
2 |
An Effective Framework For assessing aquatic ECosysTem responses to implementation of the Phosphorous Regulations (EFFECT) |
Prof. David Taylor |
3 |
An Improved Understanding Of Phosphorus Fate And Transport Within Groundwater And The Significance For Associated Receptors |
Dr. Ian Holman et. al |
2 |
An Investigation into the Performance of Subsoils and Stratified Sand Filters for the Treatment of Wastewater from On-site Systems |
Dr. Laurence Gill et. al |
4 |
An investigation of the conversion of waste polyethylene terephthalate to the biodegradable polymer polyhydroxyalkanoate |
Dr. Shane Kenny
et. al |
2 |
Anaerobic Digestion: Decision Support Software |
Dr. Jerry Murphy et. al |
5 |
Analyses of the development and occurrence of biological and chemical aerosols. (BioCheA) |
Dr. David Healy et. al |
3 |
Analytical Devices for Autonomous Monitoring of the Environment |
Dr. Tanja Radu et. al |
3 |
AQUIRE: Air Quality Forecast and Statistics over Ireland |
Dr. Hermann Jakobs |
34 |
Assessing Access To Information, Participation, and Justice in Environmental Decision Making in Ireland |
Dr. Michael Ewing |
2 |
Assessing recent trends in nutrient inputs to estuarine waters and their ecological effect |
Dr. Sorcha Ni Longphuirt
2 |
Assessing the potential pathogens present and the environmental health risks arising from aerial spraying of slurry |
John E. Moore et. al |
1 |
Assessment and Monitoring of Ocean Noise in Irish Waters |
Ms. Suzanne Beck et. al |
2 |
Assessment and Monitoring of Ocean Noise in Irish Waters |
Dr. Joanne O'Brien
2 |
Assessment of disposal options for treated wastewater from single houses in low permeability subosoil |
Dr. Laurence Gill
6 |
Assessment of national scale groundwater nitrate monitoring data as a basis for evaluating mitigation measures |
Dr. Katie Tedd
1 |
Assessment of the impacts of forest operations on the ecological quality of water (HYDROFOR) |
HydroFor Project |
3 |
Assessment of the Potential for Geological Storage of CO2 in Aquifers in Moneypoint, Co. Clare. [Enclosure Documents] |
Dr. Mark Holdstock
et. al |
16 |
Assessment of the Potential for Geological Storage of CO2 in Aquifers in Moneypoint, Co. Clare. [All Report Appendices and Information Packages] |
Dr. Mark Holdstock
et. al |
11 |
Assessment of the Potential for Geological Storage of CO2 in Hypothetical Deep Saline Aquifers in the vicinity of Moneypoint, Co. Clare. |
Dr. Mark Holdstock et. al |
8 |
Beneficial Use of Old Landfills as a Parkland Amenity |
Ms. Cathriona Cahill
1 |
Benefit Transfer for Irish Water |
Dr. Stephen Hynes et. al |
2 |
BIOCHANGE: Biodiversity and Environmental Change an Integrated Study Encompassing a Range of Scales, Taxa and Habitats. |
Dr. Louise Scally
et. al |
5 |
Biodegradable Catalytic Asymmetric Methods - A study of solvents, organocatalysts and magnetic-nanoparticlesupported catalysts |
Dr. Nick Gathergood
2 |
Biodiversity in Ireland Plantation Forests (BIOFOREST) |
Dr. Sue Iremonger et. al |
5 |
Dr. Mark Healy
3 |
Bogland: a protocol for sustainable peatland management in Ireland |
Dr. Florence Renou-Wilson
2 |
BOGLAND: Sustainable Management of Peatlands in Ireland (REPORT) |
Dr. Florence Renou-Wilson
9 |
Ca |
Prof. Geraint Ellis
3 |
Carbon Market and Flexible Mechanisms: Addressing Ireland's GHG Emissions Target Challenge |
Dr Luke Redmond |
1 |
Carbon Restore: The Potential of Restored Irish Peatlands for Carbon Uptake and Storage |
Prof. Christoph Müller |
1 |
Characterisation of Reference Conditions and Testing of Typology of Rivers (RIVTYPE) |
Associate Professor Mary Kelly-Quinn et. al |
8 |
Characterisation of reference conditions for rare or unusual river typologies |
Dr. Edel Hannigan et. al |
5 |
Characterising variation of heavy metal pollution in urban soils |
Dr. Chaosheng Zhang et. al |
9 |
Clarianna Rver Catchment - Raw Data Collection |
Prof Richard Moles et. al |
18 |
Climate Change - Implementationof the Global Climate Observing System in Ireland |
Dr Ned Dwyer |
2 |
Climate change impacts on phenology: implications for terrestrial ecosystems |
Dr. Alison Donnelly
et. al |
3 |
Climate Change in Ireland: Refining the Impacts for Ireland |
Prof. John Sweeney et. al |
5 |
CLIMATE CHANGE Scenarios & Impacts for Ireland |
Prof. John Sweeney |
1 |
CO2 flux data and meteorological data from UCC Flux Sites |
Prof Gerard Keily et. al |
5 |
Combining earth observation and geochemical tracing techniques for groundwater detection and evaluation in Ireland (CONNECT) |
Dr. Jean Wilson
26 |
Community interventions and identification of drivers which compel sustainable-behaviour change . |
Sarah McCormack
2 |
Composition and Sources of Particulate Air Pollution in a Port Environment, Cork, Ireland |
Professor John Sodeau et. al |
3 |
CON+AIR Concentration Maps |
Dr. Andrew Kelly
3 |
Conflicts Between Energy Policy Objectives and the National Climate Change Strategy in Ireland |
Dr. Brian Ó Gallachóir et. al |
3 |
ConsEnSus |
Dr. Jessica Pape
2 |
Contaminant Movement and Attenuation along Pathways from the Land Surface to Aquatic Receptors - A Review |
Dr. Marie Archbold
10 |
Critical Analysis of the Potential of Mechanical Biological Treatment for Irish waste Management |
Ms Bernie Guinan et. al |
3 |
Current Status and Required Actions for National Climate Observing Systems |
Dr Ned Dywer
2 |
Dataset: Six years of surface remote sensing of stratiform warm clouds in marine and continental air over Mace Head, Ireland |
Dr. Jana Preißler
1 |
Delivering Integrated Catchment Management through the bottom-up approach: A critical analysis |
Mr. John Ballinger |
1 |
Demonstration of an adaptation to the activated sludge process; for reduced sludge generation |
Dr. Ciarán Prunty
et. al |
2 |
DEPLOY: Smart Demonstration of Online Water Quality Monitoring on the River Lee, Cork, Ireland |
Dr. Fiona Regan |
2 |
Derived Irish Peat Map version 2 |
Dr. John Connolly |
4 |
Determination and mapping of critical loads for sulphur and nitrogen and critical levels for ozone in Ireland |
Prof. E.P. Farrell |
3 |
Developing and Assessing Alternatives in Strategic Environmental Assessment - Good Practice Guidance |
Dr. Ainhoa González Del Campo |
5 |
Dr. William L. Magette |
3 |
Development of a Cleaner Production Programme for Irish Hotels - |
Dr. James Hogan et. al |
1 |
Development of a Community-Based Ecological Footprint |
Dr. Vincent Carragher |
1 |
Development of a Methodology/Framework for generating and evaluating alternative spatial and non-spatial scenarios |
Dr. John Fry
2 |
Development of a pulsed light approach as a novel solution in drinking water treatment |
Dr. Mary Garvey
2 |
Development of a seaweed-based fixed-bed sorption column for the removal of metals in a waste stream |
Dr Adil Bakir et. al |
4 |
Development of an Audit Methodology to Generate Construction Waste Production Indicators for the Irish Construction Industry |
Dr. Mark Kelly et. al |
4 |
Development of an Industry-Led Quality Standard for Source-Separated Biodegrable Material Derived Compost |
Dr. Munoo Prasad et. al |
2 |
Development of environmental indicators as required under the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive |
Alison Donnelly |
2 |
Development of optimised pay-by-use systems which are designed to maximise the incentives for waste reduction while at the same time maintaining a properly functioning waste management system |
Dr. Tadhg Coakley et. al |
2 |
Development of the National Invasive Species Database |
Ms. Colette OFlynn et. al |
6 |
Digital Soil Mapping in the Irish Soil Information System |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
1 |
Distribution, structure and functioning of subterranean fauna within Irish groundwater systems |
Dr. Jörg Arnscheidt
et. al |
2 |
Diversity of parasitic Hymenoptera in Irish agricultural grasslands |
Dr Annette Anderson
et. al |
2 |
Domestic Boiler Duty Cycle Measurements - Morrin UCD |
Mr. Stephen Morrin
3 |
Domestic Offsetting Scoping Study for Ireland |
Dr. Siobhan O'Keeffe |
2 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2000 |
EPA Drinking Water |
42 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2001 |
EPA Drinking Water Team |
41 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2002 |
EPA Drinking Water |
41 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2003 |
EPA Drinking Water |
41 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2004 |
EPA Drinking Water |
36 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2005 |
EPA_Drinking Water_Team
36 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2006 |
EPA Drinking Water |
36 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2007 |
EPA_Drinking Water |
36 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2008 |
EPA_Drinking Water |
36 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2009 |
EPA_Drinking_Water |
36 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2010 |
EPA_Drinking_Water |
36 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2011 |
EPA_Drinking Water_Team
34 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2012 |
EPA_Drinking Water_Team |
35 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2013 |
EPA_Drinking Water_Team
31 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2014 |
EPA_Drinking Water_Team
31 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2015 |
EPA_Drinking Water_Team
31 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2016 |
EPA_Drinking Water_Team
31 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2017 |
EPA_Drinking Water_Team
31 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2018 |
EPA_Drinking Water_Team
31 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2019 |
EPA_Drinking Water_Team
31 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2020 |
EPA_Drinking Water_Team
30 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2021 |
EPA_Drinking Water_Team
1 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2022 |
EPA_Drinking Water_Team
1 |
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2023 |
EPA_Drinking Water_Team
1 |
ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF IRISH LAKES: The development of a new methodology suited to the needs of the EU Directive for Surface Waters |
Dr. Ken Irvine |
1 |
Ecological impact of entomopathogenic nematodes used to control the large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) |
Dr Christopher Harvey et. al |
6 |
Economy wide material flow analysis and ecological footprint of Ireland |
Dr Cathy Maguire
et. al |
4 |
Dr. Craig Bullock
4 |
eDiesel - Barriers and Benefits |
Mr. Fergal Purcell |
3 |
Effects of human disturbance on the variability of biotic communities in lakes |
Dr. Ian Donohue
2 |
Effects of Species Loss and Nutrients on Biodiversity |
Dr. Nessa O'Connor et. al |
2 |
Elucidating Levels and Pathways of Human Exposure in Ireland to POP-BFRs and PFOS (ELEVATE) |
Prof. Stuart Harrad
7 |
Elucidating the Impact of Aerosols on Cloud Physics and the North Atlantic Regional Climate (EIRE Climate) |
Dr. Robert J. Flanagan et. al |
2 |
Emissions from IPPC Industry: Quantifying Pollution Trends and Regulatory Effectiveness |
Dr. David Styles et. al |
2 |
Energy crops in Ireland: An assessment of their potential contribution to sustainable agriculture, electricity and heat production |
Dr. David Styles et. al |
2 |
Energy Efficiency Improvement of Waste Water Treatment Processes Using Process Integration Techniques |
Prof. Toshko Zhelev |
4 |
Enhanced Nitrogen Removal for Slaughterhouse Wastewater Using Novel Technologies |
Dr. Xinmin Zhan et. al |
4 |
Enhancing Human Health through Improved Water Quality |
Professor Martin Cormican et. al |
4 |
Environmental Accounts for the Republic of Ireland: 1990-2005 |
Prof. Richard Tol
et. al |
3 |
Environmental Attitudes, Values and Behaviour in Ireland |
Prof. Mary Kelly et. al |
3 |
Environmental Management in the Extractive Industry (Non-scheduled minerals) |
Mr. Tim Paul et. al |
2 |
Environmental Protection Agency of Ireland's Long Range Transboundary Air Pollutant database |
Dr. Eimear Cotter |
163 |
Environmental Supporting Conditions for Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems (GWDTEs) |
Dr. Catherine Coxon
et. al |
4 |
Environmental Sustainability and Future Settlement Patterns in Ireland |
Prof Richard Moles et. al |
4 |
Environmental Technologies Potential for a Zero Carbon Emission Micro Fuel Cell |
Dr. Lorraine Nagle
2 |
Environmental Technology: Development of an Alum Sludge-Based Constructed Wetland System for Improving Organic Matter and Nutrients Removal in High-Strength Wastewater |
Dr. Yaqian Zhao
et. al |
2 |
Environmental Transport Interface |
Prof Margaret O'Mahony |
1 |
EPA Ireland Archive of Air Quality monitoring data for Ireland 2020 - 2023 (inclusive) |
The Air Quality Team
4 |
EPA Ireland Archive of Arsenic Monitoring Data |
The Air Quality Team |
63 |
EPA Ireland Archive of Benzene Monitoring Data |
70 |
EPA Ireland Archive of Benzo(a)Pyrene Data |
The Air Quality Team
62 |
EPA Ireland Archive of Black Smoke Monitoring Data |
171 |
EPA Ireland Archive of Cadmium Monitoring Data |
The Air Quality Team
64 |
EPA Ireland Archive of Carbon Monoxide Monitoring Data |
118 |
EPA Ireland Archive of Lead Monitoring Data |
The Air Quality Team |
88 |
EPA Ireland Archive of Mercury Monitoring Data |
The Air Quality Team
18 |
EPA Ireland Archive of Nickel Monitoring Data |
The Air Quality Team
63 |
EPA Ireland Archive of Nitrogen Oxides Monitoring Data |
283 |
EPA Ireland Archive of Ozone Monitoring Data |
Air Quality Team |
254 |
EPA Ireland Archive of Ozone Precursors Monitoring Data |
The Air Quality Team |
65 |
EPA Ireland Archive of PM 2.5 Monitoring Data |
110 |
EPA Ireland Archive of PM10 Monitoring Data |
326 |
EPA Ireland Archive of PM2.5 speciation |
The Air Quality Team
24 |
EPA Ireland Archive of SO2 (Total Acidity Method) Monitoring Data |
170 |
EPA Ireland Archive of Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) Monitoring Data |
214 |
EPA National Research Conference 2010 |
Dr. Shane Colgan
23 |
EPA Research Seminar 2009: Presentations |
Dr. Shane Colgan
34 |
Establishing an Eco-Industrial Network for Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Mid-West Region |
Dr. Bernadette O'Regan et. al |
20 |
Establishing Rigorous methods for definition and monitoring of relatively quiet areas |
Chris Dilworth |
1 |
Eutrophication From Agricultural Sources - Soil and Phosphorus: Catchment Studies |
Prof Gerard Kiely et. al |
3 |
Eutrophication from Agricultural Sources : Phosphorus Dynamics in Grazed Grassland |
Dr. David Bourke
et. al |
2 |
Evaluating the Ecological Impacts of Cultivating Genetically Modified Herbicide-Tolerant (GMHT) Oilseed Rape and Maize |
Dr. Ewen Mullins et. al |
3 |
Evaluating the Role of the City and County Development Boards in Promoting Public Participation in Local Sustainable Development |
Dr. Gerard Mullally et. al |
3 |
Prof. Stuart Harrad
2 |
Evaluation of Models (PaSim, RothC, CENTURY and DNDC) for Simulation of Grassland Carbon Cycling at Plot, Field and Regional Scal |
Dr. Kenneth Byrne et. al |
2 |
Evaluation of policies to enhance environmental sustainability in future planning of Irish settlements |
Dr Bernadette O'Regan et. al |
3 |
Evaluation of the effect of domestic solid fuel burning on ambient air quality in Ireland |
Prof. Patrick Goodman
6 |
Examining the Communications of Environmental Risk through a Case Study of Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems in the Republic of Ireland (Acronym: Relay_Risk) |
Dr. Eoin O'Neill
5 |
Examining The Use of Food Waste Disposers |
Ms. Carmel Carey et. al |
4 |
Professor Emer Colleran |
1 |
Field sampling of boilers - flue gas analysis - Morrin UCD |
Mr. Stephen Morrin
1 |
Flow Photochemistry - A GREEN Technology with a Bright Future (μ-Photochemistry - a New Resources-Efficient Synthesis Tool) |
Dr. Kieran Nolan
2 |
Flow-proportional Passive Sensor Validation of Phosphorus and Nitrogen in Irish Rivers (Flow-Pro) |
Dr. Katrina Macintosh |
2 |
Foresty Operations and Eutrophication - The Influence of Forestry and Forest Operations on Water (PEnrich) |
Dr Jan Machava
et. al |
39 |
Freshwater Biodiversity in the Irish Agricultural Landscape: The Significance of Ponds |
Dr. Margherita Gioria |
2 |
Furthering understanding of emissions from landfilled waste containing POP-BFRs and PFASs (FUEL) |
Prof. Stuart Harrad
3 |
Galway 21: Implementing the principles and practices of sustainable development in Galway City Council |
Dr. Frances Fahy
7 |
Gas Boiler Test Results - Morrin UCD |
Mr. Stephen Morrin
7 |
Geochemistry Leachate Data for the Historic Mine Sites Project - Inventory and Risk Classification, Volume 1 |
Ms. Fionnuala Ni_Mhairtin et. al |
5 |
Geochemistry Solid Waste Data for the Historic Mine Sites Project - Inventory and Risk Classification, Volume 1 |
Ms. Fionnuala Ni Mhairtin et. al |
5 |
Geochemistry Stream Sediment Data for the Historic Mine Sites Project - Inventory and Risk Classification, Volume 1 |
Ms. Fionnuala Ni_Mhairtin et. al |
5 |
Geochemistry Water Data for the Historic Mine Sites Project - Inventory and Risk Classification, Volume 1 |
Ms. Fionnuala Ni Mhairtin
et. al |
4 |
Health Effects Associated with the Atmospheric Degradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons |
Dr. Shouming Zhou et. al |
2 |
Hemp Lime Bio-composite as a Construction Material |
Mr. Patrick Daly |
1 |
Identifaction and Mapping of Ireland's Water Research Infrastructure |
Dr Eoin Byrne et. al |
1 |
Identification of refereNce-Status for Irish lake typoloGies using palaeolimnological metHods and Techniques (IN-SIGHT) |
Dr Phil Jordan
7 |
Identification, Mapping, Assessment and Quantification of the Effects of Disturbance on the Peat Soil Carbon Stock in Ireland |
Dr. John Connolly |
3 |
ILLUMINATE: Past, current and future Interactions between pressures, chemicaL status and bioLogical qUality eleMents for lakes IN contrAsting catchmenTs in IrEland |
Prof. David Taylor et. al |
3 |
IMPLANT: The Impact of Plant Nutrients on Primary Productivity in Running Waters : Evaluating the Risk of Stream Ecological Status |
Dr Michael M. Sturt |
2 |
Implementation of an Urban Community Composting Programme |
Dr Sarah Miller et. al |
3 |
IMPLICIT Improving inversion model capability in Ireland (2016-CCRP-MS.33) |
Mr. Damien Martin
2 |
In situ observations of Greenhouse Gases at Carnsore Point |
Dr Simon O'Doherty |
2 |
Increasing Resource Efficiency in Waste Water Treatment Plants |
Dr. Lorna Fitzsimons
3 |
Indoor air pollution and health (IAPAH) |
Dr. Marie Coggins |
8 |
Industrial Applications of Membrane Technology in Ireland: A Review |
Mr. Noel Duffy |
6 |
Innovative Data Capture and Presentation Techniques in Support of the EU Environmental Noise Directive |
Dr. Gearóid Ó Riain et. al |
2 |
Integrated Biodiversity Impact Assessment Streamlining AA, SEA and EIA Processes: Practitioner's Manual |
Dr. Ainhoa González |
2 |
Integrated Modelling Project - GAINS Ireland |
Andrew Kelly |
2 |
Integrated Modelling Project ireland |
Dr. Andrew Kelly
2 |
Integrating ecosystem approaches, green infrastructure and spatial planning (ECO-Plan) |
Prof Mark Scott |
23 |
Interactions of Soil Hydrology, Land Use and Climate Change and their Impact on Soil Quality |
Prof. Gerard Kiely |
14 |
Introduction of Weight-Based Charges for Domestic Solid Waste Disposal |
Dr. Sue Scott et. al |
1 |
Inventories of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Ireland 1990 and 1995-2006 |
Dr. Glen Thistlethwaite et. al |
3 |
Inventory and tracking of dangerous substances used in Ireland and development of measures to reduce their emissions/losses to the environment |
Noel Duffy |
4 |
Investigation Into Why Existing Environmental Technologies are Underused |
Ms. Eileen O'Leary
et. al |
1 |
Investigation of Eutrophication Processes in the Littoral Zones of Western Irish Lakes |
Dr. T.K. McCarthy |
1 |
Investigation of Microfluidic Platforms for Enzymatic Biofuel Cells Applications |
Ms. Monika Zygowska
1 |
Investigation of the implications for Ireland of emerging standards on pharmaceuticals in receiving waters |
Professor Neil Rowan |
4 |
IPPC emissions to air and water |
Dr. David Styles |
5 |
Ireland's National Greenhouse Gas Inventory |
Mr. Paul Duffy |
234 |
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 10: Soil Profile Handbook |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
1 |
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 11: Methodology for the Validation of predictive mapping |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
1 |
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 12: Multiple Classifier System |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
1 |
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 13: Irish Soil Information System Legend |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
1 |
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 14: Irish SIS Final Technical Report 10: Systems Analysis and Design |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
1 |
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 15: Irish SIS SISCore Data Model |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
1 |
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 16: Building the Database |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
1 |
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 1: Interim classification, Harmonisation and Generalisation of County Soil Maps of Ireland |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
1 |
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 2: Interim classification and rationalisation of soil series in Ireland |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
1 |
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 3: Soilscapes for Terra Cognita Ireland |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
1 |
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 4: Soilscapes Extrapolation (Terra Incognita) Ireland |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
1 |
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 5: Predictive Mapping |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
1 |
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 6: User Guide for Representative Soil Profile data capture system |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
1 |
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 7: Irish Soil Information System: Laboratory Standard Operating Procedures |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
1 |
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 8: Correlation of the Irish Soil Classification System to World Reference Base 2006 system |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
1 |
Irish Soil Information System: Integrated Synthesis Report |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
2 |
Irish Soil Information System: Soil properties map Final Technical Report 18 |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
1 |
ISIS Final Technical Report 17: User Guide for Systems Management |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
1 |
Lake Risk Assessment for Cryptosporidium and other Human Enteric Pathogens in Lough Arrow, Counties Sligo and Roscommon |
Frances Lucy et. al |
1 |
LCDVAL Results and dataset |
Dr. Lisa O'Donoghue
1 |
Literature Review on the Availability of Nitrogen from Compost in Relation to the Nitrate Regulations |
Munoo Prassad et. al |
1 |
Literature Review on the Availability of Phosphorus from Compost in Relation to the Nitrate Regulations |
Munoo Prassad et. al |
1 |
Long-term measurements of atmospheric mercury at Mace Head, Carna, Co. Galway |
Dr. Stephan Leinert et. al |
5 |
Macroalgal biomonitoring - applying phenolic compounds as biomarkers for metal uptake characteristics in Irish coastal environments |
Dr. Solene Connan et. al |
3 |
Management Strategies for the Protection of High Status Water Bodies |
Dr. Bernadette Ní Chatháin
et. al |
19 |
Mapping the spatio-temporal distribution of underwater noise in Irish Waters |
Gerry Sutton et. al |
4 |
Marine Ecological Tools for Reference, Intercalibration and Classification |
Dr. Caroline Cusack et. al |
2 |
Measurement and modelling of health impacts arising from the landspreading of biosolids |
Dr. Mark Healy
10 |
Mark J. Costello |
1 |
Meeting E.U. Water Framework Directive groundwater quality objectives: the challenge posed by phosphorus in western Irish karst aquifers |
Dr. Katie Tedd
1 |
Minimisation of Hazardous Waste Generated by Cleaning-in-Place Operations in the Dairy Processing Industry |
Dr. Angela Boyce
et. al |
2 |
Minimization of hazardous waste generated by CIP operations in the dairy processing industry - State of Knowledge Report |
Dr. Angela Boyce
1 |
Mitigation of large-scale organic waste damage incorporating a demonstration of a closed loop conversion of poultry waste to energy at the point of source |
Dr. Martin Leahy |
1 |
Modelling ecological pressures and responses in a calcareous lake |
Sarah Murnaghan |
1 |
Molecular Diversity and Dynamics of Toxigenic Blue-green Algae in Irish Lakes |
Dr. Nicolas Touzet |
2 |
Monitoring Criteria for Priority Chemicals leading to emission factors |
Prof. Fiona Regan |
4 |
Monitoring of gas emissions at landfill sites using autonomous gas sensors |
Dr. Breda Kiernan
et. al |
4 |
Monitoring of gas emissions at landfill sites using autonomous gas sensors |
Prof. Dermot Diamond
et. al |
5 |
MSFD-Support Research on OSPAR Ecological Quality Objectives |
Dr. Samuel Shepard
2 |
Nanotechnology: Environmental and Human Health Impacts |
Dr. Michelle Nic Raghnaill |
2 |
Nanotechnology: public engagement with health, environmental and social issues |
Dr. Padraig Murphy |
2 |
National Centre for Water and Wastewater Research and Demonstration |
Dr. Edmond O'Reilly |
2 |
National Climate Change Strategy Website |
Mr. Paul Duffy |
1 |
National fossil fuel flow accounts with derived indicators for Ireland for the years 1990, 1996 and 2000 |
Ms. Eileen O'Leary
et. al |
3 |
Natural background levels in Irish groundwater |
Dr. Katie Tedd
4 |
Nature and origin of PM10 in urban air |
Prof Gerard Jennings et. al |
4 |
New Nano-Structured Polymeric Membranes for the Treatment and Purification of Water |
Dr. Denise Rooney et. al |
2 |
New Transboundary Air Pollution Monitoring Capacity for Ireland |
Dr. Stephan Leinert
et. al |
2 |
Noise in Quiet Areas |
Declan Waugh |
3 |
Non-road Transport traffic analysis - Morrin/Maharaj UCD |
Mr. Stephen Morrin
10 |
Novel anaerobic sewage treatment and bioenergy production |
Dr. Dermot Hughes |
2 |
Novel Approaches for the Detection of Polluting Chemicals in the Environment |
Dr. Martina McGuinness
et. al |
2 |
Novel Passive Sampling Materials for the Screening of Priority Pollutants |
Fiona Regan et. al |
1 |
Nutrient dynamics and eco-physiology of opportunistic macroalgal blooms in Irish estuaries and coastal bays |
Dr. Liam Morrison
15 |
Nutrient levels and the zebra mussel population in Lough Key |
Dr. Frances Lucy |
1 |
Occurrence and fate of pharmaceuticals and personal care products within sewage sludge and sludge-enriched soils |
Dr. Leon Barron |
3 |
Odour Impacts and Odour Emission Control Measures for Intensive Agriculture |
Mr. Ton van Harreveld |
3 |
Oil Boiler Test Results - Morrin UCD |
Mr. Stephen Morrin
34 |
On-site wastewater treatment: investigation of rapid percolating subsoils, reed beds and effluent distribution |
Mr. Laurence Gill et. al |
10 |
Organic Waste Management in Apartments in Ireland |
Ms. Carmel Carey et. al |
1 |
Ozone levels, changes and trends over Ireland - an Integrated Analysis |
Dr. Om Tripathi et. al |
1 |
Pathways Project: Assessing, modelling and managing water and contaminant movement along pathways (underground and over-ground) from the land surface to aquatic receptors, including the roles of contaminant transport and attenuation. |
Dr. Marie Archbold
79 |
Pharmaceuticals in the Irish aquatic Environment |
Dr. Brian Quinn
3 |
Phosphorus, Nitrogen and Suspended Sediment loss from Soil to Water from Agricultural Grassland |
Prof Gerard Keily |
5 |
Pilot Programme for Establishing a Regional Eco-Business Recognition Mark |
Dr. Colum Gibson
et. al |
7 |
PM10 chemistry data starting 2005 for Carnsore Point, Oak Park, Malin Head |
Dr. Stephan Leinert et. al |
2 |
POLLIVAL - Assessing market and non-market values of Pollination Services in Ireland |
Prof. Jane Stout
5 |
Potential for Negative Emissions |
Barry McMullin et. al |
8 |
Precipitation chemistry data starting 2005 for Oak Park, Glenn Veagh, Wexford |
Dr. Stephan Leinert
et. al |
2 |
Predicting ecological status of unmonitored lakes based on relationships between status, hydrogeomorphological and landuse characteristics |
Dr. Caroline Wynne
7 |
Predicting the Impact of Coexistence- Guided, Genetically Modified Cropping on Irish Biodiversity |
Dr. Ewen Mullins et. al |
2 |
Preparation of Polymer-Based Membranes for Dehydration of Ethanol by Pervaporation |
Dr. Donal Keane
et. al |
2 |
Present and Future Technology for the Treatment of Sewage Sludge in Ireland |
Dr. Josephine Treacy |
2 |
Public Participation in the Selection of Sustainable Development Indicators in Limerick and Freshford, Ireland: Implications for Policy on Advancing Sustainability |
Dr. Bernadette O'Regan, et. al |
5 |
Quality of Life and the Environment in Ireland |
Dr. Craig Bullock et. al |
3 |
Quantification and tracking of industrial solvents and other products to estimate VOC emissions to air |
Dermot Cunningham |
2 |
Quantification of Erosion and Phosphorus Release from a Peat Soil Forest Catchment |
Dr. Liwen Xiao
et. al |
2 |
Quantification of Phosphorus Loss From Soil To Water |
Dr. Hubert Tunney |
1 |
Quantification of the components of the carbon budget at farm scale |
Dr. Kenneth Byrne et. al |
1 |
Quantify the Effect of Lead Pipe Removal on Lead Concentrations in Drinking Water |
Damian Cunningham |
1 |
Recombinant DNA approaches to enhance the activity of the pathway for the degradation of the toxic pollutant styrene in the bioreactor isolate Pseudomonas putida CA-3: a biotechnologically significant metabolic route. |
Dr. Mark O'Mahony
et. al |
2 |
Recombinant DNA approaches to enhance the activity of the pathway for the degradation of the toxic pollutant styrene in the bioreactor isolate Pseudomonas putida CA-3: State of Knowledge Report. |
Dr. Mark O'Mahony
1 |
Remote monitoring of gas pressure levels at landll waste sites and presentation of the data on-line through the use of an autonomous sensing platform |
Dr. Fiachra Collins
1 |
Research needs for climate change mitigation through land use change |
Dr. Tamara Hochstrasser
et. al |
4 |
Review of groundwater levels in the south east highlights importance of groundwater level monitoring for the future |
Dr. Katie Tedd
1 |
Robust Adaptation to Climate Change in the Water Sector in Ireland |
Ms. Julia Hall et. al |
2 |
Saltmarsh Angiosperm Assessment Tool for Ireland (SMAATIE) |
Dr Fiona Devaney et. al |
6 |
SEA - Alternatives development for household waste management |
Dr. Margaret Desmond
4 |
Simile - Modelling of nitrous oxide emissions from Irish agriculture |
Laura E.T. Packham et. al |
1 |
Small Plot Study On The Impact Of Grazing Animals On Nutrient Losses to Water |
Dr. Isabelle Kurz et. al |
5 |
Soil Geochemical Atlas of Ireland |
Dr. Deirdre Fay et. al |
7 |
Soil Status and Protection |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
7 |
SoilC - Measurement and Modelling of Soil Carbon Stocks and Stock Changes in Irish Soils |
Prof Gerard Kiely et. al |
11 |
Spatial Allocation of Material Flow Analysis: A Geographic Information System Application of Material Flow Analysis in Ireland |
Dr Manoj Roy et. al |
2 |
Spatial analysis of groundwater nitrate monitoring data in the SE of Ireland |
Dr. Katie Tedd
1 |
Spatial analysis of national scale groundwater nitrate monitoring data in Ireland |
Dr. Katie Tedd
1 |
Spent mushroom compost (SMC) management and options for use |
Dr. Siobhan Jordan
3 |
Spring hydrograph data: benefits, measurement methods, interpretations and pitfalls |
Dr. Katie Tedd
1 |
State of Knowledge Report: Aquatic Coleoptera assemblages in the Irish farmed landscape. The significance of ponds |
Dr. Margherita Gioria |
4 |
State of Knowledge Report: Development of specific bacterial detoxification enzymes as bioindicators and biosensors of environmental pollution (2009) |
Dr. Martina McGuinness
2 |
State of Knowledge Report: Zero Carbon Emission Micro Fuel Cell Design |
Dr. Lorraine Nagle
et. al |
2 |
State of the Art Recycling Technology for LCDs |
Dr. Lisa O'Donoghue
1 |
Strategic Environmental Assessment Workshop Series |
Dr Alison Donnelly |
32 |
Studies of the Chemical Composition and Toxicity of Airborne Fine Particles in Cork's Mid-Harbour |
Dr. Ian O'Connor |
2 |
Study of Awareness & Knowledge of Sustainable Procurement among Procurement Professionals & Identification of Education & Training Needs |
Dr. Brenda Ryan |
1 |
Summary of Irish Soil Data from Scoping Study |
Dr Karen Daly
et. al |
1 |
Supporting the Concept of Early Warning Analysis (SCEWA) |
Dr. Ioannis Dokas
25 |
Sustainability - A Systematic Literature Review |
Dr. Vivienne Byers et. al |
7 |
Sustainable Logistics: Towards the Development of Environmentally Conscious Supply Chains |
Mr. Paul Ryan et. al |
3 |
Sustainable Rural Development : Managing Housing in the Countryside |
Dr. Mark Scott et. al |
4 |
Sustainable Tourism Development: Towards the Mitigation of Tourism Destination Impacts |
Dr Shelia Flanagan et. al |
1 |
Synthesis Report: Future Targets and International Approaches to Mitigation |
Prof. Richard Tol
2 |
The CreBeo Soil Biodiversity Project |
Dr. Olaf Schmidt |
3 |
The design of new photocatalytic systems for the generation of hydrogen from water using solar energy |
Dr. Mary Pryce
2 |
The effects of chromium VI on behaviour and on gene expression on the nematode Steinernema feltiae. |
Dr. Thomae Kakouli-Duarte et. al |
2 |
The implementation of a Characterisation Study on UWW discharges and the development of an E-Reporting tool for estimating PRTR pollutants. |
Ms. Anthea Southey et. al |
2 |
The Irish Land Mapping Observatory (ILMO)- Mapping and Monitoring Land Cover, Use and Change |
Dr. Fiona Cawkwell
3 |
The Irish SIS Final Technical Report 9: National Soil Series Description and Classification of Representative Profiles |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
1 |
The Irish Soils Information System - Applications for future research |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
1 |
The Production of Vermicompost from Dairy Sludge and its Value as a Plant Growth Medium |
Mr. Percy Foster |
2 |
The role of incentivisation in the development of biomethane production, using anaerobic digestion (AD). |
Dr. Karthik Rajendran
et. al |
1 |
The Shannon River Pilot Basin Research Fellowship |
Dr. Garrett Kilroy |
2 |
The upcycling of post consumer polyethylene to a biodegradable plastic: Waste to value added product |
Dr. Kevin O'Connor |
2 |
The use of constructed wetlands for the treatment of agricultural wastes |
Dr Rory Harrington |
1 |
The Use of Mesoporous Silicas to Absorb and Separate Metals and Nanoparticles from Aqueous or Organic Solutions |
Dr. Aoife Burke |
3 |
The Water Framework Directive, Assessment, Participation and Protected Areas: What are the Relationships? (WAPPA) |
Dr. Suzan Bennett et. al |
1 |
Towards a National Soil Database |
Dr. Deirdre Fay et. al |
71 |
Towards Integrated Water Management (TIMe) |
Dr. Alec Rolston
3 |
Towards Land cover Accounting and Monitoring (TaLAM) - land cover maps from satellite imagery |
Dr. Fiona Cawkwell
7 |
Trends in Irish background air quality between 1981 - 2004 using Met Eireann data |
Dr Wasim Bashir
et. al |
4 |
Turlough Database |
Dr. Paul Johnston |
3 |
Understanding the Links between the Environment, Human Health and Well-Being |
Dr. Carrie Garavan et. al |
3 |
Urban Environment Project |
Dr Brendan Williams |
2 |
Use of molecular biology techniques to optimise production of value-added products from non-animal food wastes |
Dr. Fidelma Hernon |
2 |
Validating digital soil maps using soil taxonomic distance |
Dr. Rachel Creamer
1 |
Variant galactokinase kinetic data |
Dr. David Timson
1 |
Variant galactokinase models |
Dr. David Timson
3 |
Variant N-acetylgalactosamine kinase kinetic data |
Dr. David Timson
1 |
Variant N-acetylgalactosamine kinase models |
Dr. David Timson
3 |
Waste - A Biotechnological System for Production of Value-added products, Bioethanol and Methane from Non-animal Food Wastes |
Dr. Maria Tuohy et. al |
1 |
Water flow accounts for the South Eastern River Basin District (SERBD) |
Ms. Eileen O'Leary
et. al |
1 |
Water Framework Directive: Recharge and Groundwater Vulnerability |
Dr. Bruce Misstear et. al |
8 |
Water Quality and the Aquatic Environment |
Prof. David Taylor |
3 |
Water Quality and The Water Framework Directive ? Neuro-Fuzzy Models for Use in River Basin District Management |
Dr. Ahmed Nasr et. al |
3 |
Water Quality characteristics of road runoff |
Prof Michael Bruen
12 |
Water Reuse in the Context of the Circular Economy |
Dr. Eoin Byrne
et. al |
1 |
WaterAc Project - An investigation of the Sodium Dominance Index as a measure of Acid Sensitivity in Irish Streams. |
Dr. Robert Cruikshanks
et. al |
3 |
Web 2.0 - What it offers scientists who want to use the web to communicate |
Dr. Peter Mooney |
4 |
Wetlands database |
Dr. Mark Healy
2 |
WINCOMS: Water Framework Directive - Integration, Negotiation and Communication of Optimal Measures with Stakeholders |
Prof Michael Bruen
7 |
Wood Pellet Boiler Test Results - Morrin UCD |
Mr. Stephen Morrin
26 |