Datasets Available For Public Download

The table below is a list of the metadata resources on SAFER-Data which have dataset files available for download by public users. This means you will not have to logon or authenticate yourself with SAFER-Data to download these files. For convenience a link to the full metadata resource listing is provided where you are provided with access to the dataset files.

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Full Metadata Resource TitleResource Owners Number of Publicly
Available Datasets
A Framework for the Assessment of Groundwater - Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems under the Water Framework Directive Dr. Garrett Kilroy et. al 2
A Nationwide Review of Pay-By-Use (PBU) Domestic Waste Collection Charges in Ireland Dr. Abigail O'Callaghan-Platt et. al 2
A new approach to bioaerosol monitoring in Ireland Analyses of the development and occurrence of biological and chemical aerosols. (BioCheA) Dr. David O'Connor 2
A Novel Biotechnological Approach To Phosphorus Removal From Wastewaters Dr. John McGrath et. al 3
A preliminary estimate of total material flows in Ireland for the year 2000 Ms. Eileen O'Leary et. al 3
A Report on Managing Environmental Research Data at EPA Dr. Peter Mooney 3
A Review of Groundwater Levels in the South-East of Ireland: Review of Groundwater Level Data in the South Eastern River Basin District Dr. Katie Tedd et. al 11
A Systematic and Participatory Review of Research on the Impact of Agriculture on Water Quality Dr. Donnacha Doody 1
Acquisition of Essential Data for Assessments of Carbon Sequestration by Soils Prof. Michael Hayes 3
Adaptive Responses to Climate impacts (ARC) Dr. Justin Doran 1
Advanced Aerosol Composition Measurements and Aerosol Radiative Properties Dr. Darius Ceburnis et. al 2
Aerosol chemical inorganic species mass concentration Dr. Darius Ceburnis et. al 4
Ag-Biota: Monitoring, Functional Significance and Management for the Maintenance and Economic Utilisation of Biodiversity in the Intensively Farmed Landscape Dr. Gordon Purvis et. al 9
Air Pollution - Trace Radical Absorption through Cavity-Enhanced Spectroscopy (TRACES) Dr. Uwe Heitmann et. al 2
Alien Invasive Species in Irish Water Bodies Dr Cathy Maguire et. al 2
Ammonia monitoring in Ireland: A full year of ammonia monitoring; set-up and results Prof. E.P. Farrell 2
An Assessment of Uncertainties in Climate Modelling at the Regional Scale: The Development of Probabilistic Based Climate Scenarios for Ireland Dr. Rowan Fealy 2
An Effective Framework For assessing aquatic ECosysTem responses to implementation of the Phosphorous Regulations (EFFECT) Prof. David Taylor 3
An Improved Understanding Of Phosphorus Fate And Transport Within Groundwater And The Significance For Associated Receptors Dr. Ian Holman et. al 2
An Investigation into the Performance of Subsoils and Stratified Sand Filters for the Treatment of Wastewater from On-site Systems Dr. Laurence Gill et. al 4
An investigation of the conversion of waste polyethylene terephthalate to the biodegradable polymer polyhydroxyalkanoate Dr. Shane Kenny et. al 2
Anaerobic Digestion: Decision Support Software Dr. Jerry Murphy et. al 5
Analyses of the development and occurrence of biological and chemical aerosols. (BioCheA) Dr. David Healy et. al 3
Analytical Devices for Autonomous Monitoring of the Environment Dr. Tanja Radu et. al 3
AQUIRE: Air Quality Forecast and Statistics over Ireland Dr. Hermann Jakobs 34
Assessing Access To Information, Participation, and Justice in Environmental Decision Making in Ireland Dr. Michael Ewing 2
Assessing recent trends in nutrient inputs to estuarine waters and their ecological effect Dr. Sorcha Ni Longphuirt 2
Assessing the potential pathogens present and the environmental health risks arising from aerial spraying of slurry John E. Moore et. al 1
Assessment and Monitoring of Ocean Noise in Irish Waters Ms. Suzanne Beck et. al 2
Assessment and Monitoring of Ocean Noise in Irish Waters Dr. Joanne O'Brien 2
Assessment of disposal options for treated wastewater from single houses in low permeability subosoil Dr. Laurence Gill 6
Assessment of national scale groundwater nitrate monitoring data as a basis for evaluating mitigation measures Dr. Katie Tedd 1
Assessment of the impacts of forest operations on the ecological quality of water (HYDROFOR) HydroFor Project 3
Assessment of the Potential for Geological Storage of CO2 in Aquifers in Moneypoint, Co. Clare. [Enclosure Documents] Dr. Mark Holdstock et. al 16
Assessment of the Potential for Geological Storage of CO2 in Aquifers in Moneypoint, Co. Clare. [All Report Appendices and Information Packages] Dr. Mark Holdstock et. al 11
Assessment of the Potential for Geological Storage of CO2 in Hypothetical Deep Saline Aquifers in the vicinity of Moneypoint, Co. Clare. Dr. Mark Holdstock et. al 8
Beneficial Use of Old Landfills as a Parkland Amenity Ms. Cathriona Cahill 1
Benefit Transfer for Irish Water Dr. Stephen Hynes et. al 2
BIOCHANGE: Biodiversity and Environmental Change an Integrated Study Encompassing a Range of Scales, Taxa and Habitats. Dr. Louise Scally et. al 5
Biodegradable Catalytic Asymmetric Methods - A study of solvents, organocatalysts and magnetic-nanoparticlesupported catalysts Dr. Nick Gathergood 2
Biodiversity in Ireland Plantation Forests (BIOFOREST) Dr. Sue Iremonger et. al 5
Bogland: a protocol for sustainable peatland management in Ireland Dr. Florence Renou-Wilson 2
BOGLAND: Sustainable Management of Peatlands in Ireland (REPORT) Dr. Florence Renou-Wilson 9
Ca Prof. Geraint Ellis 3
Carbon Market and Flexible Mechanisms: Addressing Ireland's GHG Emissions Target Challenge Dr Luke Redmond 1
Carbon Restore: The Potential of Restored Irish Peatlands for Carbon Uptake and Storage Prof. Christoph Müller 1
Characterisation of Reference Conditions and Testing of Typology of Rivers (RIVTYPE) Associate Professor Mary Kelly-Quinn et. al 8
Characterisation of reference conditions for rare or unusual river typologies Dr. Edel Hannigan et. al 5
Characterising variation of heavy metal pollution in urban soils Dr. Chaosheng Zhang et. al 9
Clarianna Rver Catchment - Raw Data Collection Prof Richard Moles et. al 18
Climate Change - Implementationof the Global Climate Observing System in Ireland Dr Ned Dwyer 2
Climate change impacts on phenology: implications for terrestrial ecosystems Dr. Alison Donnelly et. al 3
Climate Change in Ireland: Refining the Impacts for Ireland Prof. John Sweeney et. al 5
CLIMATE CHANGE Scenarios & Impacts for Ireland Prof. John Sweeney 1
CO2 flux data and meteorological data from UCC Flux Sites Prof Gerard Keily et. al 5
Combining earth observation and geochemical tracing techniques for groundwater detection and evaluation in Ireland (CONNECT) Dr. Jean Wilson 26
Community interventions and identification of drivers which compel sustainable-behaviour change . Sarah McCormack 2
Composition and Sources of Particulate Air Pollution in a Port Environment, Cork, Ireland Professor John Sodeau et. al 3
CON+AIR Concentration Maps Dr. Andrew Kelly 3
Conflicts Between Energy Policy Objectives and the National Climate Change Strategy in Ireland Dr. Brian Ó Gallachóir et. al 3
ConsEnSus Dr. Jessica Pape 2
Contaminant Movement and Attenuation along Pathways from the Land Surface to Aquatic Receptors - A Review Dr. Marie Archbold 10
Critical Analysis of the Potential of Mechanical Biological Treatment for Irish waste Management Ms Bernie Guinan et. al 3
Current Status and Required Actions for National Climate Observing Systems Dr Ned Dywer 2
Dataset: Six years of surface remote sensing of stratiform warm clouds in marine and continental air over Mace Head, Ireland Dr. Jana Preißler 1
Delivering Integrated Catchment Management through the bottom-up approach: A critical analysis Mr. John Ballinger 1
Demonstration of an adaptation to the activated sludge process; for reduced sludge generation Dr. Ciarán Prunty et. al 2
DEPLOY: Smart Demonstration of Online Water Quality Monitoring on the River Lee, Cork, Ireland Dr. Fiona Regan 2
Derived Irish Peat Map version 2 Dr. John Connolly 4
Determination and mapping of critical loads for sulphur and nitrogen and critical levels for ozone in Ireland Prof. E.P. Farrell 3
Developing and Assessing Alternatives in Strategic Environmental Assessment - Good Practice Guidance Dr. Ainhoa González Del Campo  5
Development of a Cleaner Production Programme for Irish Hotels - Dr. James Hogan et. al 1
Development of a Community-Based Ecological Footprint Dr. Vincent Carragher 1
Development of a Methodology/Framework for generating and evaluating alternative spatial and non-spatial scenarios Dr. John Fry 2
Development of a pulsed light approach as a novel solution in drinking water treatment Dr. Mary Garvey 2
Development of a seaweed-based fixed-bed sorption column for the removal of metals in a waste stream Dr Adil Bakir et. al 4
Development of an Audit Methodology to Generate Construction Waste Production Indicators for the Irish Construction Industry Dr. Mark Kelly et. al 4
Development of an Industry-Led Quality Standard for Source-Separated Biodegrable Material Derived Compost Dr. Munoo Prasad et. al 2
Development of environmental indicators as required under the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive Alison Donnelly 2
Development of optimised pay-by-use systems which are designed to maximise the incentives for waste reduction while at the same time maintaining a properly functioning waste management system Dr. Tadhg Coakley et. al 2
Development of the National Invasive Species Database Ms. Colette O‘Flynn et. al 6
Digital Soil Mapping in the Irish Soil Information System Dr. Rachel Creamer 1
Distribution, structure and functioning of subterranean fauna within Irish groundwater systems Dr. Jörg Arnscheidt et. al 2
Diversity of parasitic Hymenoptera in Irish agricultural grasslands Dr Annette Anderson et. al 2
Domestic Boiler Duty Cycle Measurements - Morrin UCD Mr. Stephen Morrin 3
Domestic Offsetting Scoping Study for Ireland Dr. Siobhan O'Keeffe 2
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2000 EPA Drinking Water 42
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2001 EPA Drinking Water Team 41
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2002 EPA Drinking Water 41
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2003 EPA Drinking Water 41
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2004 EPA Drinking Water 36
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2005 EPA_Drinking Water_Team 36
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2006 EPA Drinking Water 36
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2007 EPA_Drinking Water 36
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2008 EPA_Drinking Water 36
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2009 EPA_Drinking_Water 36
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2010 EPA_Drinking_Water 36
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2011 EPA_Drinking Water_Team 34
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2012 EPA_Drinking Water_Team 35
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2013 EPA_Drinking Water_Team 31
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2014 EPA_Drinking Water_Team 31
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2015 EPA_Drinking Water_Team 31
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2016 EPA_Drinking Water_Team 31
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2017 EPA_Drinking Water_Team 31
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2018 EPA_Drinking Water_Team 31
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2019 EPA_Drinking Water_Team 31
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2020 EPA_Drinking Water_Team 30
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2021 EPA_Drinking Water_Team 1
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2022 EPA_Drinking Water_Team 1
Drinking Water Monitoring Results and Water Supply Details for Ireland - Year 2023 EPA_Drinking Water_Team 1
ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF IRISH LAKES: The development of a new methodology suited to the needs of the EU Directive for Surface Waters Dr. Ken Irvine 1
Ecological impact of entomopathogenic nematodes used to control the large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Dr Christopher Harvey et. al 6
Economy wide material flow analysis and ecological footprint of Ireland Dr Cathy Maguire et. al 4
ECORISK Dr. Craig Bullock 4
eDiesel - Barriers and Benefits Mr. Fergal Purcell 3
Effects of human disturbance on the variability of biotic communities in lakes Dr. Ian Donohue 2
Effects of Species Loss and Nutrients on Biodiversity Dr. Nessa O'Connor et. al 2
Elucidating Levels and Pathways of Human Exposure in Ireland to POP-BFRs and PFOS (ELEVATE) Prof. Stuart Harrad 7
Elucidating the Impact of Aerosols on Cloud Physics and the North Atlantic Regional Climate (EIRE Climate) Dr. Robert J. Flanagan et. al 2
Emissions from IPPC Industry: Quantifying Pollution Trends and Regulatory Effectiveness Dr. David Styles et. al 2
Energy crops in Ireland: An assessment of their potential contribution to sustainable agriculture, electricity and heat production Dr. David Styles et. al 2
Energy Efficiency Improvement of Waste Water Treatment Processes Using Process Integration Techniques Prof. Toshko Zhelev 4
Enhanced Nitrogen Removal for Slaughterhouse Wastewater Using Novel Technologies Dr. Xinmin Zhan et. al 4
Enhancing Human Health through Improved Water Quality Professor Martin Cormican et. al 4
Environmental Accounts for the Republic of Ireland: 1990-2005 Prof. Richard Tol et. al 3
Environmental Attitudes, Values and Behaviour in Ireland Prof. Mary Kelly et. al 3
Environmental Management in the Extractive Industry (Non-scheduled minerals) Mr. Tim Paul et. al 2
Environmental Protection Agency of Ireland's Long Range Transboundary Air Pollutant database Dr. Eimear Cotter 163
Environmental Supporting Conditions for Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems (GWDTEs) Dr. Catherine Coxon et. al 4
Environmental Sustainability and Future Settlement Patterns in Ireland Prof Richard Moles et. al 4
Environmental Technologies Potential for a Zero Carbon Emission Micro Fuel Cell Dr. Lorraine Nagle 2
Environmental Technology: Development of an Alum Sludge-Based Constructed Wetland System for Improving Organic Matter and Nutrients Removal in High-Strength Wastewater Dr. Yaqian Zhao et. al 2
Environmental Transport Interface Prof Margaret O'Mahony 1
EPA Ireland Archive of Air Quality monitoring data for Ireland 2020 - 2023 (inclusive) The Air Quality Team 4
EPA Ireland Archive of Arsenic Monitoring Data The Air Quality Team 63
EPA Ireland Archive of Benzene Monitoring Data EPA 70
EPA Ireland Archive of Benzo(a)Pyrene Data The Air Quality Team 62
EPA Ireland Archive of Black Smoke Monitoring Data EPA 171
EPA Ireland Archive of Cadmium Monitoring Data The Air Quality Team 64
EPA Ireland Archive of Carbon Monoxide Monitoring Data EPA 118
EPA Ireland Archive of Lead Monitoring Data The Air Quality Team 88
EPA Ireland Archive of Mercury Monitoring Data The Air Quality Team 18
EPA Ireland Archive of Nickel Monitoring Data The Air Quality Team 63
EPA Ireland Archive of Nitrogen Oxides Monitoring Data EPA 283
EPA Ireland Archive of Ozone Monitoring Data Air Quality Team 254
EPA Ireland Archive of Ozone Precursors Monitoring Data The Air Quality Team 65
EPA Ireland Archive of PM 2.5 Monitoring Data EPA 110
EPA Ireland Archive of PM10 Monitoring Data EPA 326
EPA Ireland Archive of PM2.5 speciation The Air Quality Team 24
EPA Ireland Archive of SO2 (Total Acidity Method) Monitoring Data EPA 170
EPA Ireland Archive of Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) Monitoring Data EPA 214
EPA National Research Conference 2010 Dr. Shane Colgan 23
EPA Research Seminar 2009: Presentations Dr. Shane Colgan 34
Establishing an Eco-Industrial Network for Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Mid-West Region Dr. Bernadette O'Regan et. al 20
Establishing Rigorous methods for definition and monitoring of relatively quiet areas Chris Dilworth 1
Eutrophication From Agricultural Sources - Soil and Phosphorus: Catchment Studies Prof Gerard Kiely et. al 3
Eutrophication from Agricultural Sources : Phosphorus Dynamics in Grazed Grassland Dr. David Bourke et. al 2
Evaluating the Ecological Impacts of Cultivating Genetically Modified Herbicide-Tolerant (GMHT) Oilseed Rape and Maize Dr. Ewen Mullins et. al 3
Evaluating the Role of the City and County Development Boards in Promoting Public Participation in Local Sustainable Development Dr. Gerard Mullally et. al 3
Evaluation of Models (PaSim, RothC, CENTURY and DNDC) for Simulation of Grassland Carbon Cycling at Plot, Field and Regional Scal Dr. Kenneth Byrne et. al 2
Evaluation of policies to enhance environmental sustainability in future planning of Irish settlements Dr Bernadette O'Regan et. al 3
Evaluation of the effect of domestic solid fuel burning on ambient air quality in Ireland Prof. Patrick Goodman 6
Examining the Communications of Environmental Risk through a Case Study of Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems in the Republic of Ireland (Acronym: Relay_Risk) Dr. Eoin O'Neill 5
Examining The Use of Food Waste Disposers Ms. Carmel Carey et. al 4
Field sampling of boilers - flue gas analysis - Morrin UCD Mr. Stephen Morrin 1
Flow Photochemistry - A GREEN Technology with a Bright Future (μ-Photochemistry - a New Resources-Efficient Synthesis Tool) Dr. Kieran Nolan 2
Flow-proportional Passive Sensor Validation of Phosphorus and Nitrogen in Irish Rivers (Flow-Pro) Dr. Katrina Macintosh 2
Foresty Operations and Eutrophication - The Influence of Forestry and Forest Operations on Water (PEnrich) Dr Jan Machava et. al 39
Freshwater Biodiversity in the Irish Agricultural Landscape: The Significance of Ponds Dr. Margherita Gioria 2
Furthering understanding of emissions from landfilled waste containing POP-BFRs and PFASs (FUEL) Prof. Stuart Harrad 3
Galway 21: Implementing the principles and practices of sustainable development in Galway City Council Dr. Frances Fahy 7
Gas Boiler Test Results - Morrin UCD Mr. Stephen Morrin 7
Geochemistry Leachate Data for the Historic Mine Sites Project - Inventory and Risk Classification, Volume 1 Ms. Fionnuala Ni_Mhairtin et. al 5
Geochemistry Solid Waste Data for the Historic Mine Sites Project - Inventory and Risk Classification, Volume 1 Ms. Fionnuala Ni Mhairtin et. al 5
Geochemistry Stream Sediment Data for the Historic Mine Sites Project - Inventory and Risk Classification, Volume 1 Ms. Fionnuala Ni_Mhairtin et. al 5
Geochemistry Water Data for the Historic Mine Sites Project - Inventory and Risk Classification, Volume 1 Ms. Fionnuala Ni Mhairtin et. al 4
Health Effects Associated with the Atmospheric Degradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Dr. Shouming Zhou et. al 2
Hemp Lime Bio-composite as a Construction Material Mr. Patrick Daly 1
Identifaction and Mapping of Ireland's Water Research Infrastructure Dr Eoin Byrne et. al 1
Identification of refereNce-Status for Irish lake typoloGies using palaeolimnological metHods and Techniques (IN-SIGHT) Dr Phil Jordan 7
Identification, Mapping, Assessment and Quantification of the Effects of Disturbance on the Peat Soil Carbon Stock in Ireland Dr. John Connolly 3
ILLUMINATE: Past, current and future Interactions between pressures, chemicaL status and bioLogical qUality eleMents for lakes IN contrAsting catchmenTs in IrEland Prof. David Taylor et. al 3
IMPLANT: The Impact of Plant Nutrients on Primary Productivity in Running Waters : Evaluating the Risk of Stream Ecological Status Dr Michael M. Sturt 2
Implementation of an Urban Community Composting Programme Dr Sarah Miller et. al 3
IMPLICIT Improving inversion model capability in Ireland (2016-CCRP-MS.33) Mr. Damien Martin 2
In situ observations of Greenhouse Gases at Carnsore Point Dr Simon O'Doherty 2
Increasing Resource Efficiency in Waste Water Treatment Plants Dr. Lorna Fitzsimons 3
Indoor air pollution and health (IAPAH) Dr. Marie Coggins 8
Industrial Applications of Membrane Technology in Ireland: A Review Mr. Noel Duffy 6
Innovative Data Capture and Presentation Techniques in Support of the EU Environmental Noise Directive Dr. Gearóid Ó Riain et. al 2
Integrated Biodiversity Impact Assessment Streamlining AA, SEA and EIA Processes: Practitioner's Manual Dr. Ainhoa González 2
Integrated Modelling Project - GAINS Ireland Andrew Kelly 2
Integrated Modelling Project ireland Dr. Andrew Kelly 2
Integrating ecosystem approaches, green infrastructure and spatial planning (ECO-Plan) Prof Mark Scott 23
Interactions of Soil Hydrology, Land Use and Climate Change and their Impact on Soil Quality Prof. Gerard Kiely 14
Introduction of Weight-Based Charges for Domestic Solid Waste Disposal Dr. Sue Scott et. al 1
Inventories of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Ireland 1990 and 1995-2006 Dr. Glen Thistlethwaite et. al 3
Inventory and tracking of dangerous substances used in Ireland and development of measures to reduce their emissions/losses to the environment Noel Duffy 4
Investigation Into Why Existing Environmental Technologies are Underused Ms. Eileen O'Leary et. al 1
Investigation of Eutrophication Processes in the Littoral Zones of Western Irish Lakes Dr. T.K. McCarthy 1
Investigation of Microfluidic Platforms for Enzymatic Biofuel Cells Applications Ms. Monika Zygowska 1
Investigation of the implications for Ireland of emerging standards on pharmaceuticals in receiving waters Professor Neil Rowan 4
IPPC emissions to air and water Dr. David Styles 5
Ireland's National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Mr. Paul Duffy 234
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 10: Soil Profile Handbook Dr. Rachel Creamer 1
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 11: Methodology for the Validation of predictive mapping Dr. Rachel Creamer 1
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 12: Multiple Classifier System Dr. Rachel Creamer 1
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 13: Irish Soil Information System Legend Dr. Rachel Creamer 1
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 14: Irish SIS Final Technical Report 10: Systems Analysis and Design Dr. Rachel Creamer 1
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 15: Irish SIS SISCore Data Model Dr. Rachel Creamer 1
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 16: Building the Database Dr. Rachel Creamer 1
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 1: Interim classification, Harmonisation and Generalisation of County Soil Maps of Ireland Dr. Rachel Creamer 1
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 2: Interim classification and rationalisation of soil series in Ireland Dr. Rachel Creamer 1
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 3: Soilscapes for Terra Cognita Ireland Dr. Rachel Creamer 1
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 4: Soilscapes Extrapolation (Terra Incognita) Ireland Dr. Rachel Creamer 1
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 5: Predictive Mapping Dr. Rachel Creamer 1
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 6: User Guide for Representative Soil Profile data capture system Dr. Rachel Creamer 1
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 7: Irish Soil Information System: Laboratory Standard Operating Procedures Dr. Rachel Creamer 1
Irish SIS Final Technical Report 8: Correlation of the Irish Soil Classification System to World Reference Base 2006 system Dr. Rachel Creamer 1
Irish Soil Information System: Integrated Synthesis Report Dr. Rachel Creamer 2
Irish Soil Information System: Soil properties map Final Technical Report 18 Dr. Rachel Creamer 1
ISIS Final Technical Report 17: User Guide for Systems Management Dr. Rachel Creamer 1
Lake Risk Assessment for Cryptosporidium and other Human Enteric Pathogens in Lough Arrow, Counties Sligo and Roscommon Frances Lucy et. al 1
LCDVAL Results and dataset Dr. Lisa O'Donoghue 1
Literature Review on the Availability of Nitrogen from Compost in Relation to the Nitrate Regulations Munoo Prassad et. al 1
Literature Review on the Availability of Phosphorus from Compost in Relation to the Nitrate Regulations Munoo Prassad et. al 1
Long-term measurements of atmospheric mercury at Mace Head, Carna, Co. Galway Dr. Stephan Leinert et. al 5
Macroalgal biomonitoring - applying phenolic compounds as biomarkers for metal uptake characteristics in Irish coastal environments Dr. Solene Connan et. al 3
Management Strategies for the Protection of High Status Water Bodies Dr. Bernadette Ní Chatháin et. al 19
Mapping the spatio-temporal distribution of underwater noise in Irish Waters Gerry Sutton et. al 4
Marine Ecological Tools for Reference, Intercalibration and Classification Dr. Caroline Cusack et. al 2
Measurement and modelling of health impacts arising from the landspreading of biosolids Dr. Mark Healy 10
Meeting E.U. Water Framework Directive groundwater quality objectives: the challenge posed by phosphorus in western Irish karst aquifers Dr. Katie Tedd 1
Minimisation of Hazardous Waste Generated by Cleaning-in-Place Operations in the Dairy Processing Industry Dr. Angela Boyce et. al 2
Minimization of hazardous waste generated by CIP operations in the dairy processing industry - State of Knowledge Report Dr. Angela Boyce 1
Mitigation of large-scale organic waste damage incorporating a demonstration of a closed loop conversion of poultry waste to energy at the point of source Dr. Martin Leahy 1
Modelling ecological pressures and responses in a calcareous lake Sarah Murnaghan 1
Molecular Diversity and Dynamics of Toxigenic Blue-green Algae in Irish Lakes Dr. Nicolas Touzet 2
Monitoring Criteria for Priority Chemicals leading to emission factors Prof. Fiona Regan 4
Monitoring of gas emissions at landfill sites using autonomous gas sensors Dr. Breda Kiernan et. al 4
Monitoring of gas emissions at landfill sites using autonomous gas sensors Prof. Dermot Diamond et. al 5
MSFD-Support Research on OSPAR Ecological Quality Objectives Dr. Samuel Shepard 2
Nanotechnology: Environmental and Human Health Impacts Dr. Michelle Nic Raghnaill 2
Nanotechnology: public engagement with health, environmental and social issues Dr. Padraig Murphy 2
National Centre for Water and Wastewater Research and Demonstration Dr. Edmond O'Reilly 2
National Climate Change Strategy Website Mr. Paul Duffy 1
National fossil fuel flow accounts with derived indicators for Ireland for the years 1990, 1996 and 2000 Ms. Eileen O'Leary et. al 3
Natural background levels in Irish groundwater Dr. Katie Tedd 4
Nature and origin of PM10 in urban air Prof Gerard Jennings et. al 4
New Nano-Structured Polymeric Membranes for the Treatment and Purification of Water Dr. Denise Rooney et. al 2
New Transboundary Air Pollution Monitoring Capacity for Ireland Dr. Stephan Leinert et. al 2
Noise in Quiet Areas Declan Waugh 3
Non-road Transport traffic analysis - Morrin/Maharaj UCD Mr. Stephen Morrin 10
Novel anaerobic sewage treatment and bioenergy production Dr. Dermot Hughes 2
Novel Approaches for the Detection of Polluting Chemicals in the Environment Dr. Martina McGuinness et. al 2
Novel Passive Sampling Materials for the Screening of Priority Pollutants Fiona Regan et. al 1
Nutrient dynamics and eco-physiology of opportunistic macroalgal blooms in Irish estuaries and coastal bays Dr. Liam Morrison 15
Nutrient levels and the zebra mussel population in Lough Key Dr. Frances Lucy 1
Occurrence and fate of pharmaceuticals and personal care products within sewage sludge and sludge-enriched soils Dr. Leon Barron 3
Odour Impacts and Odour Emission Control Measures for Intensive Agriculture Mr. Ton van Harreveld 3
Oil Boiler Test Results - Morrin UCD Mr. Stephen Morrin 34
On-site wastewater treatment: investigation of rapid percolating subsoils, reed beds and effluent distribution Mr. Laurence Gill et. al 10
Organic Waste Management in Apartments in Ireland Ms. Carmel Carey et. al 1
Ozone levels, changes and trends over Ireland - an Integrated Analysis Dr. Om Tripathi et. al 1
Pathways Project: Assessing, modelling and managing water and contaminant movement along pathways (underground and over-ground) from the land surface to aquatic receptors, including the roles of contaminant transport and attenuation. Dr. Marie Archbold 79
Pharmaceuticals in the Irish aquatic Environment Dr. Brian Quinn 3
Phosphorus, Nitrogen and Suspended Sediment loss from Soil to Water from Agricultural Grassland Prof Gerard Keily 5
Pilot Programme for Establishing a Regional Eco-Business Recognition Mark Dr. Colum Gibson et. al 7
PM10 chemistry data starting 2005 for Carnsore Point, Oak Park, Malin Head Dr. Stephan Leinert et. al 2
POLLIVAL - Assessing market and non-market values of Pollination Services in Ireland Prof. Jane Stout 5
Potential for Negative Emissions Barry McMullin et. al 8
Precipitation chemistry data starting 2005 for Oak Park, Glenn Veagh, Wexford Dr. Stephan Leinert et. al 2
Predicting ecological status of unmonitored lakes based on relationships between status, hydrogeomorphological and landuse characteristics Dr. Caroline Wynne 7
Predicting the Impact of Coexistence- Guided, Genetically Modified Cropping on Irish Biodiversity Dr. Ewen Mullins et. al 2
Preparation of Polymer-Based Membranes for Dehydration of Ethanol by Pervaporation Dr. Donal Keane et. al 2
Present and Future Technology for the Treatment of Sewage Sludge in Ireland Dr. Josephine Treacy 2
Public Participation in the Selection of Sustainable Development Indicators in Limerick and Freshford, Ireland: Implications for Policy on Advancing Sustainability Dr. Bernadette O'Regan, et. al 5
Quality of Life and the Environment in Ireland Dr. Craig Bullock et. al 3
Quantification and tracking of industrial solvents and other products to estimate VOC emissions to air Dermot Cunningham 2
Quantification of Erosion and Phosphorus Release from a Peat Soil Forest Catchment Dr. Liwen Xiao et. al 2
Quantification of Phosphorus Loss From Soil To Water Dr. Hubert Tunney 1
Quantification of the components of the carbon budget at farm scale Dr. Kenneth Byrne et. al 1
Quantify the Effect of Lead Pipe Removal on Lead Concentrations in Drinking Water Damian Cunningham 1
Recombinant DNA approaches to enhance the activity of the pathway for the degradation of the toxic pollutant styrene in the bioreactor isolate Pseudomonas putida CA-3: a biotechnologically significant metabolic route. Dr. Mark O'Mahony et. al 2
Recombinant DNA approaches to enhance the activity of the pathway for the degradation of the toxic pollutant styrene in the bioreactor isolate Pseudomonas putida CA-3: State of Knowledge Report. Dr. Mark O'Mahony 1
Remote monitoring of gas pressure levels at landll waste sites and presentation of the data on-line through the use of an autonomous sensing platform Dr. Fiachra Collins 1
Research needs for climate change mitigation through land use change Dr. Tamara Hochstrasser et. al 4
Review of groundwater levels in the south east highlights importance of groundwater level monitoring for the future Dr. Katie Tedd 1
Robust Adaptation to Climate Change in the Water Sector in Ireland Ms. Julia Hall et. al 2
Saltmarsh Angiosperm Assessment Tool for Ireland (SMAATIE) Dr Fiona Devaney et. al 6
SEA - Alternatives development for household waste management Dr. Margaret Desmond 4
Simile - Modelling of nitrous oxide emissions from Irish agriculture Laura E.T. Packham et. al 1
Small Plot Study On The Impact Of Grazing Animals On Nutrient Losses to Water Dr. Isabelle Kurz et. al 5
Soil Geochemical Atlas of Ireland Dr. Deirdre Fay et. al 7
Soil Status and Protection Dr. Rachel Creamer 7
SoilC - Measurement and Modelling of Soil Carbon Stocks and Stock Changes in Irish Soils Prof Gerard Kiely et. al 11
Spatial Allocation of Material Flow Analysis: A Geographic Information System Application of Material Flow Analysis in Ireland Dr Manoj Roy et. al 2
Spatial analysis of groundwater nitrate monitoring data in the SE of Ireland Dr. Katie Tedd 1
Spatial analysis of national scale groundwater nitrate monitoring data in Ireland Dr. Katie Tedd 1
Spent mushroom compost (SMC) management and options for use Dr. Siobhan Jordan 3
Spring hydrograph data: benefits, measurement methods, interpretations and pitfalls Dr. Katie Tedd 1
State of Knowledge Report: Aquatic Coleoptera assemblages in the Irish farmed landscape. The significance of ponds Dr. Margherita Gioria 4
State of Knowledge Report: Development of specific bacterial detoxification enzymes as bioindicators and biosensors of environmental pollution (2009) Dr. Martina McGuinness 2
State of Knowledge Report: Zero Carbon Emission Micro Fuel Cell Design Dr. Lorraine Nagle et. al 2
State of the Art Recycling Technology for LCDs Dr. Lisa O'Donoghue 1
Strategic Environmental Assessment Workshop Series Dr Alison Donnelly 32
Studies of the Chemical Composition and Toxicity of Airborne Fine Particles in Cork's Mid-Harbour Dr. Ian O'Connor 2
Study of Awareness & Knowledge of Sustainable Procurement among Procurement Professionals & Identification of Education & Training Needs Dr. Brenda Ryan 1
Summary of Irish Soil Data from Scoping Study Dr Karen Daly et. al 1
Supporting the Concept of Early Warning Analysis (SCEWA) Dr. Ioannis Dokas 25
Sustainability - A Systematic Literature Review Dr. Vivienne Byers et. al 7
Sustainable Logistics: Towards the Development of Environmentally Conscious Supply Chains Mr. Paul Ryan et. al 3
Sustainable Rural Development : Managing Housing in the Countryside Dr. Mark Scott et. al 4
Sustainable Tourism Development: Towards the Mitigation of Tourism Destination Impacts Dr Shelia Flanagan et. al 1
Synthesis Report: Future Targets and International Approaches to Mitigation Prof. Richard Tol 2
The CreBeo Soil Biodiversity Project Dr. Olaf Schmidt 3
The design of new photocatalytic systems for the generation of hydrogen from water using solar energy Dr. Mary Pryce 2
The effects of chromium VI on behaviour and on gene expression on the nematode Steinernema feltiae. Dr. Thomae Kakouli-Duarte et. al 2
The implementation of a Characterisation Study on UWW discharges and the development of an E-Reporting tool for estimating PRTR pollutants. Ms. Anthea Southey et. al 2
The Irish Land Mapping Observatory (ILMO)- Mapping and Monitoring Land Cover, Use and Change Dr. Fiona Cawkwell 3
The Irish SIS Final Technical Report 9: National Soil Series Description and Classification of Representative Profiles Dr. Rachel Creamer 1
The Irish Soils Information System - Applications for future research Dr. Rachel Creamer 1
The Production of Vermicompost from Dairy Sludge and its Value as a Plant Growth Medium Mr. Percy Foster 2
The role of incentivisation in the development of biomethane production, using anaerobic digestion (AD). Dr. Karthik Rajendran et. al 1
The Shannon River Pilot Basin Research Fellowship Dr. Garrett Kilroy 2
The upcycling of post consumer polyethylene to a biodegradable plastic: Waste to value added product Dr. Kevin O'Connor 2
The use of constructed wetlands for the treatment of agricultural wastes Dr Rory Harrington 1
The Use of Mesoporous Silicas to Absorb and Separate Metals and Nanoparticles from Aqueous or Organic Solutions Dr. Aoife Burke 3
The Water Framework Directive, Assessment, Participation and Protected Areas: What are the Relationships? (WAPPA) Dr. Suzan Bennett et. al 1
Towards a National Soil Database Dr. Deirdre Fay et. al 71
Towards Integrated Water Management (TIMe) Dr. Alec Rolston 3
Towards Land cover Accounting and Monitoring (TaLAM) - land cover maps from satellite imagery Dr. Fiona Cawkwell 7
Trends in Irish background air quality between 1981 - 2004 using Met Eireann data Dr Wasim Bashir et. al 4
Turlough Database Dr. Paul Johnston 3
Understanding the Links between the Environment, Human Health and Well-Being Dr. Carrie Garavan et. al 3
Urban Environment Project Dr Brendan Williams 2
Use of molecular biology techniques to optimise production of value-added products from non-animal food wastes Dr. Fidelma Hernon 2
Validating digital soil maps using soil taxonomic distance Dr. Rachel Creamer 1
Variant galactokinase kinetic data Dr. David Timson 1
Variant galactokinase models Dr. David Timson 3
Variant N-acetylgalactosamine kinase kinetic data Dr. David Timson 1
Variant N-acetylgalactosamine kinase models Dr. David Timson 3
Waste - A Biotechnological System for Production of Value-added products, Bioethanol and Methane from Non-animal Food Wastes Dr. Maria Tuohy et. al 1
Water flow accounts for the South Eastern River Basin District (SERBD) Ms. Eileen O'Leary et. al 1
Water Framework Directive: Recharge and Groundwater Vulnerability Dr. Bruce Misstear et. al 8
Water Quality and the Aquatic Environment Prof. David Taylor 3
Water Quality and The Water Framework Directive ? Neuro-Fuzzy Models for Use in River Basin District Management Dr. Ahmed Nasr et. al 3
Water Quality characteristics of road runoff Prof Michael Bruen 12
Water Reuse in the Context of the Circular Economy Dr. Eoin Byrne et. al 1
WaterAc Project - An investigation of the Sodium Dominance Index as a measure of Acid Sensitivity in Irish Streams. Dr. Robert Cruikshanks et. al 3
Web 2.0 - What it offers scientists who want to use the web to communicate Dr. Peter Mooney 4
Wetlands database Dr. Mark Healy 2
WINCOMS: Water Framework Directive - Integration, Negotiation and Communication of Optimal Measures with Stakeholders Prof Michael Bruen 7
Wood Pellet Boiler Test Results - Morrin UCD Mr. Stephen Morrin 26