IMPLICIT Improving inversion model capability in Ireland (2016-CCRP-MS.33)
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Resource or Project Abstract
IMPLiCIT has implemented and tested the FLEXINVERT Bayesian inversion framework using different sets of observational data and prior information combined with atmospheric transport modelling calculations made with the widely used FLEXPART model. FLEXINVERT has been adapted and prepared to be used for the Irish domain with minor adaptations of the code and with the preparation of the programming environment to arrange and perform the necessary runs and the corresponding outcome evaluation. The inversion results show a significant increase of the total emissions for Ireland as compared to the MapEIre 2015 high resolution emission inventory, almost doubling the total emissions but without clearly improving the statistical scores when compared with independent site observations. However, the estimates fit within the range of uncertainties of other inversion systems. It is concluded that additional work is needed to improve the results and evaluate the different contributors to the uncertainty and identify procedures to either correct them or include them properly in the inversions. To this aim, a road-map is proposed whereby two lines of action are defined: on the one hand, better understand and address the uncertainties related to the atmospheric transport modelling (calculation of the source-receptor sensitivities) through ensemble modelling and investigation of the definition of the boundary layer height in the model; an on the other, the proposition of executing additional measurement campaigns that would allow, in a sectorised way, a better comparison with bottom-up emission inventories
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Attachment Name and Download Link |
Att 1 flexinvert_resultsIE.tar.gz (5.23 Mb) |
Att 2 README.txt (0.0 Mb) |
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Author(s) | Martin, D. |
Title Of Website | Secure Archive For Environmental Research Data |
Publication Information | IMPLICIT Improving inversion model capability in Ireland (2016-CCRP-MS.33) |
Name of Organisation | Environmental Protection Agency Ireland |
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Unique Identifier | 9793c767-4f1b-11e9-8529-005056ae0019 |
Date of Access | Last Updated on SAFER: 2025-02-09 |
An example of this citation in proper usage:
Martin, D. "IMPLICIT Improving inversion model capability in Ireland (2016-CCRP-MS.33)". Associated datasets and digitial information objects connected to this resource are available at: Secure Archive For Environmental Research Data (SAFER) managed by Environmental Protection Agency Ireland (Last Accessed: 2025-02-09)
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Access Information For This Resource
SAFER-Data Display URL | |
Resource Keywords | spatially disaggregated methane emissions |
EPA/ERTDI/STRIVE Project Code | 2018-CCRP-MS.55 |
EPA/ERTDI/STRIVE Project Theme | Climate Change |
Resource Availability: |
![]() Public-Open |
Limitations on the use of this Resource | There are no usage limitations |
Number of Attached Files (Publicly and Openly Available for Download): | 2 |
Project Start Date | Saturday 24th September 2016 (24-09-2016) |
Earliest Recorded Date within any attached datasets or digital objects | Saturday 1st January 2011 (01-01-2011) |
Most Recent Recorded Date within any attached datasets or digital objects | Saturday 31st December 2011 (31-12-2011) |
Published on SAFER | Monday 25th March 2019 (25-03-2019) |
Date of Last Edit | Tuesday 26th March 2019 at 16:18:13 (26-03-2019) |
Datasets or Files Updated On | Tuesday 26th March 2019 at 16:18:13 (26-03-2019) |
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Geographical and Spatial Information Related To This Resource
Description of Geographical Characteristics of This Project or Dataset
This primarily covers the Irish domain
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Supplementary Information About This Resource
In this section some supplementary information about this resource is outlined. Lineage information helps us to understand why this project was carried out, what policy or research requirements did it fulfil, etc. Lineage is important in understanding the rationale behind the carrying out of a project or the collection of a specific dataset etc. Links to web sites, applications, papers, etc are outlined to provide you with additional information or supplementary reading about the project or dataset
Lineage information about this project or dataset |
This project was established in response to the need to understand our national emissions of greenhouse gases by using a top down approach rather than a bottom up approach. This followed on from a previous project and there will also be an EPA funded follow on project which aims to develop more quantitative assessment of uncertainty and extension of this technique to other gases. (previous project : 2011-CCRP-MS-1.5:Verification of sources and sinks of Irish greenhouse Gases. Follow on project:2018-CCRP-MS.55:Improvements in inverse modelling of Ireland?s greenhouse gas emissions) |
Supplementary Information |
These are annual estimates of methane using a number of different paramaterisations and choice of input data and atmospheric monitoring station data.
The files are net cdf files. |
Links To Other Related Resources | (Opens in a new window) |
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