Assessment of the Potential for Geological Storage of CO2 in Hypothetical Deep Saline Aquifers in the vicinity of Moneypoint, Co. Clare.

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In the CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) chain, CO2 is captured at major emission sources like refineries and power stations, transported by pipeline or ship to a suitable sink and stored in depleted natural gas reservoirs, aquifers, or used for enhanced oil/gas and coal bed methane recovery. Ireland?s largest single point emitter at Moneypoint Power Station (currently emitting 3.95 Mt CO2 per annum), is located in Co. Clare and geologically lies within the Clare Basin. This geological structure was considered as part of an all-Ireland assessment of the potential for geological storage of CO2, but the study noted that there were significant data gaps pertaining to the area. In terms of the transportation economics of CO2 from Moneypoint, a possible local storage site would be a very attractive option. Therefore, it was recognised that a detailed study to assess the potential for geological storage of CO2 within the Clare Basin was required. The primary objective of this project is to assess the potential for geological storage of CO2 in Hypothetical Deep Saline Aquifers in the vicinity of Moneypoint, Co. Clare through provision of a synthesis and interpretation of both existing and newly acquired data. An extensive data gathering exercise, from a variety of sources, and subsequent compilation to a GIS database was undertaken. Once completed, initial geological modelling, using Petrel 2009, commenced in tandem with a number of interpretative processes based on the compiled data. Amongst other elements of the interpretation module, a detailed re-logging programme of deep historical boreholes was completed to maximise the sub-surface data available to the project. All data arising from the re-interpretation exercises were incorporated into a 3D model. Based on observations from the interim model and local reconnaissance geological mapping, two boreholes were completed at key sites in the eastern and western margins of the project area. Additionally, downhole petrophysical surveys were conducted at both drill sites. A primary objective of the drilling programme was to provide fresh material for rock characterisation studies. Samples were taken from the project boreholes and historical boreholes for this purpose. Results from the rock characterisation analyses were integrated into the final 3D geological model. Thereafter, a final assessment of the potential storage volume and suitability of the onshore portion of the Clare Basin was undertaken. the primary conclusion of this study is that the onshore portion of the Clare Basin in unsuitable for CO2 storage in saline aquifers. The secondary conclusion of this study is that the Kinsale Head gas field represents the best potential CO2 storage option for emissions from the Moneypoint power station.

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Contact Information for This Resource

Dr. Mark Holdstock
Aurum Exploration Services

Mr. Ian Farrelly
Aurum Exploration Services

Bernd Loske
DMT GmbH & Co. KG

Dr. Filip Neele
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO)

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Author(s)Holdstock, M. Farrelly, I. Loske, B. Neele, F.
Title Of WebsiteSecure Archive For Environmental Research Data
Publication InformationAssessment of the Potential for Geological Storage of CO2 in Hypothetical Deep Saline Aquifers in the vicinity of Moneypoint, Co. Clare.
Name of OrganisationEnvironmental Protection Agency Ireland
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Unique Identifierbf4fa1b4-b564-102d-af1a-60cde515b757
Date of AccessLast Updated on SAFER: 2025-02-08

An example of this citation in proper usage:

Holdstock, M. Farrelly, I. Loske, B. Neele, F.   "Assessment of the Potential for Geological Storage of CO2 in Hypothetical Deep Saline Aquifers in the vicinity of Moneypoint, Co. Clare.". Associated datasets and digitial information objects connected to this resource are available at: Secure Archive For Environmental Research Data (SAFER) managed by Environmental Protection Agency Ireland (Last Accessed: 2025-02-08)


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SAFER-Data Display URL
Resource Keywordsgeological reservoirs Saline Aquifers CO2 Capture and Storage Clare Ireland
EPA/ERTDI/STRIVE Project ThemeClimate Change
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Number of Attached Files (Publicly and Openly Available for Download): 8
Project Start Date Tuesday 1st January 2008 (01-01-2008)
Earliest Recorded Date within any attached datasets or digital objects Tuesday 1st January 2008 (01-01-2008)
Most Recent Recorded Date within any attached datasets or digital objects Monday 1st June 2009 (01-06-2009)
Published on SAFERThursday 20th May 2010 (20-05-2010)
Date of Last EditThursday 3rd March 2011 at 14:18:16 (03-03-2011)
Datasets or Files Updated On Monday 24th May 2010 at 10:54:06 (24-05-2010)

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Geographical and Spatial Information Related To This Resource

Description of Geographical Characteristics of This Project or Dataset
Ireland?s largest single point emitter at Moneypoint Power Station (currently emitting 3.95 Mt CO2 per annum), is located in Co. Clare and geologically lies within the Clare Basin. This geological structure was considered as part of an all-Ireland assessment of the potential for geological storage of CO2, but the study noted that there were significant data gaps pertaining to the area. The GSI rig was mobilised to site and drilling commenced on February 28th, 2009. Drilling operations were conducted by GSI personnel with site management overseen by Aurum. All drilling activities were undertaken in accordance with both Institute of Geologists of Ireland (IGI) and internal Aurum guidelines to ensure that the highest environmental and heath & safety standards were maintained throughout the drilling programme. A suite of site photographs are included in a related resource on SAFER (see link below)

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Lineage information about this project or dataset
The Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI) in 2007 conceived a project to test for the existence of geological reservoirs in the Clare Basin region which resulted in IDC SSTI2 funding for work in this area under the Climate Change Research Programme managed by the Environmental Protection Agency. The GSI, EPA and others partners initiated this project for the "Assessment of the Potential for Geological Storage of CO2 in Hypothetical Deep Saline Aquifers in the vicinity of Moneypoint, Co. Clare". The project was managed by the EPA and GSI with technical and The current project follows on from a previous study of the "Assessment of the Potential for Geological Storage of CO2 for the Island of Ireland" (CSA Group3, 20084) which was conducted by the CSA Group and published in September 2008. This study focused on the storage potential in onshore and offshore Ireland, in both hydrocarbon fields and saline aquifers and documents a total quantified capacity of 93,115 Mt (in various categories including theoretical, effective and practical). Given the strategic proximity to the largest single point emitter at Moneypoint Power Station (currently emitting 3.95 Mt CO2 per annum), the Clare Basin was considered as part of the all- Ireland study. advisory support and input from a broad based steering group.
Supplementary Information
This is a very large project - the steering committee is attached. This is one of 3 resources on SAFER which provides documentation for this project. The links to these resources are provided with this metadata.
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