All Publicly Available Resources

Total of 436 Public Resources
Resources 351 to 360 of 436 Resources

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Resource: [ 351 ]

Development of an Audit Methodology to Generate Construction Waste Production Indicators for the Irish Construction Industry

Title:Development of an Audit Methodology to Generate Construction Waste Production Indicators for the Irish Construction Industry
Owner/Creator:Dr. Mark Kelly et. al
Last Updated:2009-08-04 16:39:22
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Resource: [ 352 ]

Innovative Data Capture and Presentation Techniques in Support of the EU Environmental Noise Directive

Title:Innovative Data Capture and Presentation Techniques in Support of the EU Environmental Noise Directive
Owner/Creator:Dr. Gearóid Ó Riain et. al
Last Updated:2009-08-03 11:13:36
Availability: Image Showing that Users Can Download Files From This Resource
Attached Dataset Files: There Are Files Available For Download
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Resource: [ 353 ]

Use of molecular biology techniques to optimise production of value-added products from non-animal food wastes

Title:Use of molecular biology techniques to optimise production of value-added products from non-animal food wastes
Owner/Creator:Dr. Fidelma Hernon
Last Updated:2009-07-30 13:28:27
Availability: Image Showing that Users Can Download Files From This Resource
Attached Dataset Files: There Are Files Available For Download
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Resource: [ 354 ]

National Biodiversity Data Centre Web Mapping System

Title:National Biodiversity Data Centre Web Mapping System
Owner/Creator:Dr. Liam Lysaght
Last Updated:2009-07-14 11:01:19
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Resource: [ 355 ]

Development of an Industry-Led Quality Standard for Source-Separated Biodegrable Material Derived Compost

Title:Development of an Industry-Led Quality Standard for Source-Separated Biodegrable Material Derived Compost
Owner/Creator:Dr. Munoo Prasad et. al
Last Updated:2009-05-26 17:31:09
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Attached Dataset Files: There Are Files Available For Download
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Resource: [ 356 ]

A Report on Managing Environmental Research Data at EPA

Title:A Report on Managing Environmental Research Data at EPA
Owner/Creator:Dr. Peter Mooney
Last Updated:2009-05-22 10:04:09
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Attached Dataset Files: There Are Files Available For Download
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Resource: [ 357 ]

Ag-Biota: ACTION 2: Identification of the key factors, which define or limit biodiversity within contrasting farming systems

Title:Ag-Biota: ACTION 2: Identification of the key factors, which define or limit biodiversity within contrasting farming systems
Owner/Creator:Dr. Gordon Purvis et. al
Last Updated:2009-05-06 14:17:59
Availability: Image Showing that Users Can Download Files From This Resource
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Resource: [ 358 ]

Ag-Biota: ACTION 1 Development of methods for monitoring the current and likely future status of biodiversity in the agro-ecosystem

Title:Ag-Biota: ACTION 1 Development of methods for monitoring the current and likely future status of biodiversity in the agro-ecosystem
Owner/Creator:Dr. Gordon Purvis et. al
Last Updated:2009-05-06 13:47:30
Availability: Image Showing that Users Can Download Files From This Resource
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Resource: [ 359 ]

Climate Change in Ireland: Refining the Impacts for Ireland

Title:Climate Change in Ireland: Refining the Impacts for Ireland
Owner/Creator:Prof. John Sweeney et. al
Last Updated:2009-04-29 12:54:39
Availability: Image Showing that Users Can Download Files From This Resource
Attached Dataset Files: There Are Files Available For Download
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Resource: [ 360 ]

Pharmaceutical Residues Within Sewage Sludges

Title:Pharmaceutical Residues Within Sewage Sludges
Owner/Creator:Dr. Leon Barron
Last Updated:2009-04-21 06:42:13
Availability: Image Showing that Users Can Download Files From This Resource
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Resources 351 to 360 of 436 Resources

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