All Publicly Available Resources

Total of 436 Public Resources
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Resource: [ 301 ]

Development of a seaweed-based fixed-bed sorption column for the removal of metals in a waste stream

Title:Development of a seaweed-based fixed-bed sorption column for the removal of metals in a waste stream
Owner/Creator:Dr Adil Bakir et. al
Last Updated:2010-09-11 19:00:28
Availability: Image Showing that Users Can Download Files From This Resource
Attached Dataset Files: There Are Files Available For Download
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Resource: [ 302 ]

Enhanced Nitrogen Removal for Slaughterhouse Wastewater Using Novel Technologies

Title:Enhanced Nitrogen Removal for Slaughterhouse Wastewater Using Novel Technologies
Owner/Creator:Dr. Xinmin Zhan et. al
Last Updated:2010-08-17 13:28:16
Availability: Image Showing that Users Can Download Files From This Resource
Attached Dataset Files: There Are Files Available For Download
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Resource: [ 303 ]

Elucidating the Impact of Aerosols on Cloud Physics and the North Atlantic Regional Climate (EIRE Climate)

Title:Elucidating the Impact of Aerosols on Cloud Physics and the North Atlantic Regional Climate (EIRE Climate)
Owner/Creator:Dr. Robert J. Flanagan et. al
Last Updated:2010-08-03 15:09:30
Availability: Image Showing that Users Can Download Files From This Resource
Attached Dataset Files: There Are Files Available For Download
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Resource: [ 304 ]

EPA National Research Conference 2010

Title:EPA National Research Conference 2010
Owner/Creator:Dr. Shane Colgan
Last Updated:2010-07-01 19:06:10
Availability: Image Showing that Users Can Download Files From This Resource
Attached Dataset Files: There Are Files Available For Download
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Resource: [ 305 ]

Monitoring of gas emissions at landfill sites using autonomous gas sensors

Title:Monitoring of gas emissions at landfill sites using autonomous gas sensors
Owner/Creator:Prof. Dermot Diamond et. al
Last Updated:2010-06-14 12:37:51
Availability: Image Showing that Users Can Download Files From This Resource
Attached Dataset Files: There Are Files Available For Download
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Resource: [ 306 ]

Assessment of the Potential for Geological Storage of CO2 in Hypothetical Deep Saline Aquifers in the vicinity of Moneypoint, Co. Clare.

Title:Assessment of the Potential for Geological Storage of CO2 in Hypothetical Deep Saline Aquifers in the vicinity of Moneypoint, Co. Clare.
Owner/Creator:Dr. Mark Holdstock et. al
Last Updated:2010-05-27 10:14:21
Availability: Image Showing that Users Can Download Files From This Resource
Attached Dataset Files: There Are Files Available For Download
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Resource: [ 307 ]

Assessment of the Potential for Geological Storage of CO2 in Aquifers in Moneypoint, Co. Clare. [All Report Appendices and Information Packages]

Title:Assessment of the Potential for Geological Storage of CO2 in Aquifers in Moneypoint, Co. Clare. [All Report Appendices and Information Packages]
Owner/Creator:Dr. Mark Holdstock et. al
Last Updated:2010-05-27 10:12:20
Availability: Image Showing that Users Can Download Files From This Resource
Attached Dataset Files: There Are Files Available For Download
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Resource: [ 308 ]

Assessment of the Potential for Geological Storage of CO2 in Aquifers in Moneypoint, Co. Clare. [Enclosure Documents]

Title:Assessment of the Potential for Geological Storage of CO2 in Aquifers in Moneypoint, Co. Clare. [Enclosure Documents]
Owner/Creator:Dr. Mark Holdstock et. al
Last Updated:2010-05-27 10:10:55
Availability: Image Showing that Users Can Download Files From This Resource
Attached Dataset Files: There Are Files Available For Download
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Resource: [ 309 ]

Monitoring of gas emissions at landfill sites using autonomous gas sensors

Title:Monitoring of gas emissions at landfill sites using autonomous gas sensors
Owner/Creator:Dr. Breda Kiernan et. al
Last Updated:2010-05-21 13:04:57
Availability: Image Showing that Users Can Download Files From This Resource
Attached Dataset Files: There Are Files Available For Download
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Resource: [ 310 ]

Advanced Aerosol Composition Measurements and Aerosol Radiative Properties

Title:Advanced Aerosol Composition Measurements and Aerosol Radiative Properties
Owner/Creator:Dr. Darius Ceburnis et. al
Last Updated:2010-05-20 11:32:22
Availability: Image Showing that Users Can Download Files From This Resource
Attached Dataset Files: There Are Files Available For Download
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